<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: July 2005 .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

View my complete profile

Fauzan Adam's Facebook profile

Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


Free Music
Free Music
Free Music

. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


Member of Bloggers Family

Milis U2 Indonesia

My Favorite Clothing Line

Free Shoutbox Technology Pioneer

July 31, 2005

Goodbye...... My Old Buddy

After 2.5 years of fun
Finally you're gone
Vanished without a trace
Gone with the wind

Remember all the conversation that we've made
Remember when i got my first Nokia 5510
You were there for me baby
Yes.... you were there....
Through the good times and the bad times ----------------> keknya pernah denger gituuh, dilagu apa gituuuh hehehe

I don't know how am i gonna live without you
I don't know how will my friends gonna contact me
I don't know how will my families n relatives gonna hollaback me
Hope you're happy somewhere... out there...

Love you my old phone number.....
Gonna miss you tomorrow n today

Wakakakakakakakakakakakakakakak......................... =))

Dedicated to my late phone Number
+62 8568837682 may you rest in peace.... Amin =))

Woy... woy.... sebel banget neh gw. Setelah menanamkan sikap pamali tuk gonta-ganti nomor, after 2.5 tahun secara terpaksa gw harus ganti no HP gw. Usut punya usut, Jumat kemaren si Dedi minjem HP gw waktu gw ngajar. Gw copot deh SIM Card-nyah. *Satu Jam kemudian* saat kurogoh saku dan celana..... Weiks kemana wae tuh sim Card. Perasaan tadi gw taro di saku celana. But weikks..... its gone. Hix... Hix... akhirnya gw hunting nomor baru dah. Setelah hunting2 akhirnya dapet juga nomor yg Ad@m banget which is +62 8568347878.

So bagi temen2 yg unfortunately lg mampir di blog gw *hehehehe* Sok atuh digoyang... eh maksudna di Re-save nomor gw yaaaks hehehe. Mudah2an makin banyak kenangan2 yang indah dan baru yg tercipta bagi gw dengan nomor yg baru ini hehehe... Amiiin.

Oh iya mudaha2an DnD (Dagienkz n Dedi a.k.a. Desta) senin besok siaran lagih. Aduuuuuh seminggu ini pagi gw kacrut abis2an *secara ussually starts with a very big smile after i heard their pranks and practical jokes "yang nggak banget" hehehe* Tapi minggu ini terpakasa mangkal di stasiunnya tetangga hehehehe. Yah hope that next week would be a week of laughter for me.... hope so....

*Narxist mode on*

July 27, 2005

.:::glory of a boy:::.

Hmmmmmmh........ hari ini pagi-pagi sekaleeh gw berangkat pergi ke Pondok Gede di pagi2 buta nan gelap dan banyak kadal merayap (paan sih lu Dam) buat nganterin kado specially wrapped for her. Untung masih inget what she wish for on the last chat a week ago on wednesday hehehe. On the way sih lancar2 ajah, tetapi bingung juga sih setelah ngeliat mukanya sohib Nigga' gw dari Shady Aftermath (whats uuuuup) Curtis Jackson a.k.a. 50 Cent, G-Unit represent yang terpampang sedang memegang HP Nokia, gw sempet bingung n trus kekiri..... nyasar pula. Akhirnya balik lagi naik KR n nyampe dwech huehuehue. By the way for Ms. Komodow, Happy B'day Yee. Hope everything that you wish for on these years B'day will come true last but not least, hope you like the gift ;)

Balik lagi ke Rambutan secara planned to go directly to Bogor to finish an unfinished business with my friends. Huuuuuuukkkkkkk......... lama banget n melelahkan. Though finally nyampe juga, akhirnya ketemu deh ama aki2 jurusan (Asep, Hadi Uban, Refa, Kadir, DJ, etc.) yg belon pada lulus kaya gw n ade2 kelaskuw yg cantiq2 (Astrid, Diana, Anna, etc.) n mencoba mendahului sang aki2 tuk make toga duluan *liatin ajah* hakhahak. Rencana mo ngurus penangguhan SPP secara insyaallah bentar lg dah mo beres (Amieeeeen..... biar cepet2 bs fulltime lageeh huehuehehehe). We'll wait for almost an hour for the "Dosens" to finish their rabuan, n akhirnya bisa juga minta TTD-nyah si Lil' K (pak Kukuh) hehehehe.

Lil' K. = hey yaw my nigga wazzzzuuupp wazzzuuup....? Got some pot?
Me = just chillin in the shizzlle ma nizzle......aight. Nope i aint dope...... Nowamtalkinbout'

Gak gitu deng ngobrolnyah.... Begini ni...

Lil' K. =gimana Dam penelitian? Dah beres?
Me =alhamdullilah Pak, udah. Ikannnya dah almarhumah, alamarhum, ama al22nyah Pak.
Lil' K =hahahahahahahahahaha. Kapan dong seminarnya?
Me =wedeeew pak, datanya aja lom sempet di olah.
Lil' K =yo weslah biar cepet yeee...... sini gw TTD

Tetapi tak dinyana tak dikira, slip copian SPP lupa ku bawa *Dora: Ayo katakan ransel. Ransel.... ransel...* . Padahal si Mr. Oman Wakil Dekan Urusan Gawl dah nggak ada kerjaan. Akhirnya gw kudu balik lg deh besok wat ngurus masalah penangguhan SPP ini huuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaa. Oh iya sekalian laporan data hasil penelitian ke Small Bad 'O' (Pak Odang) sama 3ple 'H' (Pak Harton). Mudah2an lancaaar..... amieeen.

Biz itu pulang deh. Tapi ditengah jalan secara mengejutkan HP LOW BAT maaaaaaaaaannnnnnn. Gimana gw bisa pulang. I can't let my ears suffer even for just an hour with no music. Damned. Gw paling gak bs klo gak nikmati perjalanan sambil denger musikkk huaaaaaaaaa. Seriously, today was the worst trip home that i've ever felt since 1 month ago.

My recent soundtrack tune that i always hum, hear, explore, sing and play. Anytime..... Anywhere..... *kayak iklan N-Gage deh*

Jason Mraz

You And I Both

Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me
Oh things are gonna happen naturally
Oh taking your advice I'm looking on the bright side
And balancing out the whole thing

Oh but at often times those words get tangled up in lines
And the bright light turns to night
Oh until the dawn it brings
Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of the love
Oh the love that I love

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words
More words than I had ever heard and I feel so alive

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of and if you could see now
Oh love, love, you and I, you and I
Not so little, you and I anymore
Mmm hmm
And with this silence brings a moral story
More importantly evolving
Is the glory of a boy

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
And if you could see me now
Well then I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of
Finally de de de de de de de
Well I'm almost finally finally
Well I am free, oh i'm free

And it's okay if you had to go away
Oh, just remember the telephone
well, their workin it both ways
But if I never, ever hear them ring
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside
Finally found you someone else and that's okay
Cause I'll remember everything you sang

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of and if you could see me now
Well then I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of
Finally de de de de de de de de
Well i'm almost finally
finally out of words

July 23, 2005

2 days of marathon

Wednesday, July 20th 2005 ------>Tukang Jagal Part II: The Legend Continues

Today would be the last day that i will dissect my research fish. The last 30 ere being dissected today hehehehe. Akhirnya, the keeping process has ended. And now, i just have to ngolah data, ngedraf, ngedraf, cari literatur lagi, seminar and hopefully sidang deh..... Amiiiin. Tapi lom laporan nih ke my senseis (Pak Odang ama Pak Harton). Perhaps i will meet them next wednesday, regarding that i need to prepare the whole data first.

Here are some of the best shots that i've taken during the 1 month surgeoning process;

Proses pembedahan nih. Mulai dari pengguntingan perut, bersihin kelenjar pencernaan sampe ngambil gonadnyah. Tuh liat gambar yg paling bawah. Itu tangan gw yg lagi mencoba sekuat tenaga untuk mengambil sehelai gonad/kelenjar kelamin ikan Luo Han yg masih sangat kecil dan berbentuk benang huhu.... blood is everywhere hahahahaha.

Gambar sperma yang posisinye ada didalem testes ikan jantan dengan perbesaran mikroskop yang beda2. Tuh liat tuh, aneh yah hehehehehe. Cuma bintik-bintik doang.

Kalo yang ini gambar sekumpulan ovum ataw sel telur yg berada didalam ovarium ikan Luo Han. Ukurannya beda2 yach. Ada yg besar ada yg kecil. Tergantung kematangan telurnya bow hehehehe.

Naaaaah...... kalo yang ini nih yg paling aneh tapi nyata sob. There are 2 different sexes inside one organ. Sebagian ada testesnya, sebagian ada ovumnyah. Tuh liat tuh ada yg bintik kaya sperma tapi ada juga yg bulet2 kaya ovum. Ini namanya individu hermaphrodite (berkelamin 2)..... amit2 jabang bayi huehuehuehehehehe.

Thursday, July 21st 2005 ------> Finally......... met her in person

Rencana hari ini gw mo pergi kekampus lagih wat nyari literatur wat nambah2 halaman wat tinjauan pustaka gw. But suddenly at 8 AM one of my friend called me and asked me to go to replace him (since he's not feeling quite well today) to Plenarry Hall Jakarta Convention Center at night to attend Grandfinal Abang None 2005. Gw pikir.... why not..... kenapa nggak.... secara gw juga lagi males kekampus juga hehehe *Devil mode on >:)* Wahhh ternyata invitation-nyah for 2. What a coincidence, secara sabtu ini gw gak bisa hadir ke gatheringnya BlogFam. Suddenly those feeling of curiosity and spirit to meet her in person is getting bigger n bigger. N then i encourage myself to call her n try to asked her out at that night. And guess what..... she'd loved to accompany me at that night show..... yipppeeeee.

I prepared myself *maaaan kudu formil banget pakaiannya secara VIP A juga deket bang yos duduknya* and we set up to meet in Garuda at 19.00 and go to JCC by Taxi.

And finally at 19.00 at Garuda (Hek maju dikit).... I met her.... Yes.... In person. Then we went to JCC by Taxi and arrived there at 20.00 sharped. During the journey on the cab, we've talk bout lots of things and i think she's a really funny girl with a very great personality.

After the door open, ternyata we still have to wait for another 1 hour before the show started to get on the air. We sat at the front row at the right side of the stage (secara punya maksud terpendam wat masuk TiPi dadakan.... though mission failed :( hehehehe). Again we have a great, funny, and hilarious conversation during the holding hours. Soon at 21.00 the show starts opened by the arrival of Bang Yos to the plenarry hall. Many funny things happend that night. Dari yang suaranya ilang (hayo sapa????) sampe ada yg hampir jatoh dipanggung (kocak abis2an man). Indeed, that night was a night to remember. I got the chance to see Krisdayanti, ADA Band, Inul Daratista (Inul... Inul.... aku padamu, gokil abis bor-annya hehehe. Mas Adam yg asli ada disini wakakakakakak), Wong Pitoe, and Erwin Gutawa Orchestra (gokil....gokilllll) from only 5 metres away.

For Ms. "L" a.k.a. Komodow tak berekor, if you read this writings, i just want to say thank you very much for having a great time with me that day. Its trully an honour for me to meet you in person. Never thought that beautiful komodow, do exist in this world hehehehe. Hope you're also having fun as much as i am, and i'm really looking forward to place another meeting with u.... soon..... very soon.

July 18, 2005

Nana's Wedding, gloomy sunday morning, and GIE off the record

".... Lonely im so lonely, I have nobody, To call my owwnnn. Im so lonely, im mr. Lonely. I have nobody, To call my owwnnn. Im so lonely,....."

Lagi sambil dengerin Akon - Lonely neh di compy kantor. Though i don't feel lonely right now, but sometimes, every person got a sort of loneliness on their life. To get rid of it, simple, just call or hang out with some of your friends or even family. Just like what i did last saturday night. Hari itu temen SMP, temen sejemputan, n temen SMA gw si Nana Mediana finally merit *congrats Na* Acaranya di daerah Pondok Indah. Hari itu gw berangkat bareng anak2 yg laen yg dah lama bgt dah gak ketemu like Ale, Rani, Agung, Wahyu, Maiye, Daniel all put together in Chris' car hehehe. It's a wonderful trip man, kita crita2 lg masa waktu masih tergabung di MAFIA (Maniak Ifa (IPA maksudnya hehehehe sori sedikit maksa...) Dua). Ternyata my Pal Agung "Don't Call Me Fred Durst" sebagai sesama penggila Limp Bizkit kagak tau kalo Limp Bizkit dah ada album baru lg n Wes Borland dah balik lg (kemana aje pak...?)

1 thing that i realized is that Daniel hasn't change from he was during the high school ages. His mouth is still big with all those raspy s**t comin out from his mouth. He always show off everything bout him, how clever he is, how's he paid with USD maaaaan..... go f**k your own business *dasar.... temen yg aneh* Si Ale dah pake jilbab sekarang tapi tetep aja bocornya gak berubah. She told us about her actual job right now, and how she always invisible during workin hours on her Y!M (ternyata tak dinyana, dan tak diduga gara2 takut ketauan boss toooh hehehehe). Pokoknya seneng deh bs ketemuan lagi ma temen2. Disana juga ada Beta, Ary, Adi, Lois, Malih, Ucup (wakakakakakak), Ismi, Bar-Q (eeeh dia ketinggalan di Mall Ci hehehe). Pulangnya kita tuker2an no HP n rencananya gw mo buat milis khusus anak2 IPA 2 so that we can always get connected to each other (insyaallah yah guys).

Hari berganti ke minggu......kucruk....kucruk......

Hoooooaaaaaaahhhhhmmmmmm.................... (ceritanya baru bangun hehehe). Last sunday i didn't came to the office since i've already changed it into last thursday. In the mornin' i spent it by playin Badminton with some of the neighbours (dah lama nih gak work out). Langsung deh bis itu encok dan pegel linu menyerang gw secara mainnya 3 set juga. Tapi asik juga sih ngumpul lg ama tetangga2 setelah tiap minggu selalu kekantor. Abis main Badminton, pulang trus nyoba OL di HP sukses, eh ada one of my friend yg mo konsultasi hehehehehe *Sok atuh mang digoyang* Maaaaan...... ternyata masalah yg dia hadepin hampir sama persis kaya apa yg gw alamin 5 bulan yg lalu. Yaaaaah intinya dia nanya bagaimana sih cara ngelupain orang yg dah ruined your life pdhal lo dah pikir kalo dia tuh dah bakal jadi your best soul mates in which both of you will live happily ever after. To be honest, though 5 months have gone away, i still got perhaps 25% of ruined feeling in my mind that i can't dismiss. Man its hard to get rid of someone that used to be placed in a very special room in your heart. Though in the end she really mess it all up, it's still damned hard. Yah akhirnya pagi itu gw cuma jadi a good reader ajah (secara curhatannya di YM juga yo wess lah) sampe jam 10an.

Still piss off karena anak2 Putuss gak jadi ngumpul di Setiabudi gara2 gak ada yang koordinir. Yah salah gw juga sih, kenapa gak dr kemaren2 gw ngingetin yg laen ataw sekedar posting wat nanyain "Hey.... gimana tuh nunton GIE-nya jadi gak?". Kemaren sih Zee a.k.a. Nobi n Intan a.k.a. Naya ngajak pindah nuntonnya ke Blok M ajah secara di St. budi lom maen juga (tuh kan gak ada yg tau juga hehehe) tapi gokil ah dah telat bgt ngasih taunya. Ujan pula lagih di Depok. Yo wes lah, i spent the weekend at home by chatting on the phone and swallowed 1 VCD (Like Mike) which is hilarious. Better luck next time....

Today at the Office.....

Lumayan lah dibuka dgn chat with someone hehehehe..... :"> (thanx 4 da nice chat)
Trus waaaaaaaaaaah gw dapet tambahan MP3 lagi dr Mr. Nasser (Thanks bro'):

-> The Chemical Brothers - The Boxer
-> The Bravery - Fearless

Trus ngopi beberapa MP3 baru deh which are:

-> INXS - Suicide Blonde
-> Greenday - Wake Me Up When September Ends
-> Guy Sebastian - Kryptonite
-> Offspring yg baru lupa gw.....

And now, just postin on my number one spot a.k.a. my concrete playground :)

".....Just can't wait to meet her in person......soon....very soon....."

July 13, 2005

Rockstar: INXS dah mulai

Mulai kemaren, the new reality show that created by the founder of The Apprentice and Survivor, Mr. Mark Burnett has just started on O-Channel. Yes.... Rockstar: INXS is just gettin started. This show is about how this 80's rockband which is INXS sepeninggal vokalisnya tahun 1997 after commited a suicide (Michael Hutchance hope i spell it right hehehe) mengaudisi 15 super rock vocalist from all over the world. Maaaaaan it's totally a one hell of a rock show dude. All the 15 vocalist showed their best performance on the first show yesterday sang 15 of rocks best classic. Totally awesome dude.

Beda banget ama Idol, klo ini reaksi all the contestants bener2 interaktif to the audience. Tapi ko ada yang aneh yah. Kemana si akang Armand Maulana, yang katanya ngikut, tapi kok gak ada batang idungnye?

I've already got one of my favorite. Her voice reminds me of the late Janis Joplin ad Blondie's vocalist. She really sings like a true rock Diva. I forgot her name. If i'm not mistaken, her name was Deanne or Diana i forgot. 1 thing for sure, the performance was totally awesome and off the hook... Just can't wait t see it again today.

Maaaaaaan........ Nih cewek suaranya menggila maaan Top Abis

July 10, 2005

Mellow.... Jellow.... Mbalelow..... Palelow plak dum plak dum pleng HAHAHAHAHAHA

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.............. here i am again cruisin arround at the office (sounds strange maybe) but yes, i'm here today at the office. Well actually i've got lots of things to wraped off today, but i also put some of my time also to browse for some MP3s. At least i got one of my favorite songs recently which is Jim Brickman's colaboration with Michael "Long Time No Hear" Bolton. It's call "Hear Me (Tears Into The Wine)". If you hear this song, trust me it would let the mellow side of you turns on. Well it happens to me indeed. I don't know, everytime i heard this song on the radio, all the good, bad, beautiful, and off course the worst thing bout my recent relationship just comin back in my head. Sound lame maybe, but yeaaaah.... i'm still tryin' to get over her until now though its damned hard, but i'm sure the future will comes to me in a very good ways.

Still piss off with what happend with my Friendster profile %^$&%#$#&$#&*-*/-*. I kept check it and check it affraid that perhaps someone would invate it again.

Jim Brickman & Michael Bolton

Hear Me (Tears Into Wine)

Take these tears,
put em in a bottle.
Don’t let these tears I cry be in vain.

Take these tears,
keep them up in heaven.
Water my life with tears like rain

Hear me,
hear my words unspoken,
Restore my faith in hopin’

Hear me,
I am feeling broken I am broken open.

Take this life,
turn it into something,
I’m afraid it’s just wasting time

Turn this life the sun has ripened,
grow it slowly on the vine.
Turn my tears into wine

Turn my tears into wine,
turn these tears into wine
All that’s left of me are traces.
Make me stronger in my broken places

July 09, 2005

Holly Sh*****t, &^&*%(&^$%^$%$#%@$#@(&*)^

Damneeeeeeeeed....... gw kena abis2an. Someone yang iseng udah ngubah profile Friendster gw. Kurang ajar.....shit........... salah apa sih gw &^*(&^%&^%%$$%@#$%#@^. Mudah2an semua yang die tulis tentang gw di profile gw kemaren, balik ke dia sendiri.... Amin.

Sip... enough with that lame thing, cheer up Ad@m. Fiuh at least i've changed the e-mail n password so that ass hole crap won't interupt my account again. But the most annoying thing is that.... i have to make a new profile for my FS (maaaannn......... even god knows my last profile was off the hook huehehehehe *narxist mode on*). Gak papa lah, at least i've learnt how important these 2 simple words "LOG OFF" after i've finished surfin'.

Again i pray, supaya orang itu yang udah su'uzon ke gw bisa cepet2 insaf... amin. Damneddddd he/she really piss me offf s**t.

Udah ah capek kalo dipikirin terus, mending curhat ke blog gw yg ciamik hehehehe. By the way, after strugglin for almost a month (sambil merem melek bacanya) finally, i've finished the exciting thriller classic from Dan Brown, THE DA VINCI CODE. Thank good it's a happy ending in which that Sophie's brother and also grandma are still alive and off course Langdon's and Sophie's romance continues hehehehe. Just can't wait to see the movie next year. Hope that the story wouldn't be different with the book.

I also finished one of my favorite movie trilogy. The Trilogy of The Omen a.k.a. Damien. Well to be honest, the best one is the first one. Really2 scary. Especially the graveyard scene, totally hilarious hehehehe.

Some of the Review comments;

Blockbuster perfection. An exhilaratingly brainy thriller.
Not since the advent of Harry Potter has an author so flagrantly delighted in leading readers on a breathless chase and coaxing them through hoops.
--Janet Maslin

A new master of smart thrills.
A pulse-quickening, brain-teasing adventure.

This is pure genius.
Dan Brown has to be one of the best, smartest,
and most accomplished writers in the country.

Thriller writing doesn't get any better than this.

This masterpiece should be mandatory reading.
Brown solidifies his reputation as one of the most skilled thriller writers on the planet with his best book yet, a compelling blend of history and page-turning suspense. Highly recommended.

Exceedingly clever.
Both fascinating and fun...a considerable achievement.

Gak percuma lo baca merem melek. Bisa sambil tidur, bisa sambil tengkurep. Bisa sambil makan bubur, bisa juga sambil makan nasi goreng huehehehe. Yang jelas the chasing scene is dag...dig...dug... and the best abis bisa bikin lo thriller man (nge-THRILL sambil ngi-LER) hehehehe
--Fauzan Adam

July 04, 2005


Arrrggggghhhhhhh............... puasnya dirikuw, finally i got the Stand up Speak Wristband with a very reasonable price. Yah.... jadi ceritanya beberapa waktu yang lalu gw browsing di forum FS, eh ternyata ada yang nawarin gelang ini yang secara keberadaan kinda hard to seek here. Akhirnya nego, cingcai lai lai, nawar, dapet juga deh. Kemaren ketemuan di PIM ternyata wristband yg dia jual banyak juga bo. Ada baller ID nike yg glow in the dark, Respect n etc. Tapi yang anehnya, masa sih seorang tukang gelang kagak tau kalo Coldplay punya wristband resmi juga. Setelah die ngeliat wristband Coldplay gw, ngiler deh kekna, akhirnya barter deh gelang Coldplay gw sama Nike Teamnya die hehehehehe lumayan buat nambah2 koleksi. Kagak tau die padahal gw punya lagi gelang Coldplay dirumah kikikikikikikikikik.

Gaya Dikit boleh duunnng hehehehe......... Ampuuuuuun

Sekarang gw lagi pengen banget punya wristband putihnya ONE ataw Make Poverty History. Kemarin sempet dapet sih kontak beberapa orang, tapi the price is totally unbelieveable. I don't know why people these days still think about makin' a fast profit even from a single wistband that made specially for charity. Yah... up to them lah...

By the way, kalo ada yang mau gelang item putih ini, temen gw masih ada 1 pasang lagi. Buruan kalo mau...Okaaay.

Oh iya today i also finally get registered to the bloggers family. From what i see now, i think it's a great comunity where we "as blog freek" can share our infos about blogging. Sides that, we can also make new friends in which have a same hobby which is bloggin' hehehehehe.

Oh iya.... Finally juga(eh bukan finally deng), my lil' bro ,Farid, just headback to Bandung again on saturday since he has to attend the short semester. Well good luck with the lecture bro.

Huhm..... office kinda in a very happy mood today. Maybe because of Mr. Pek is here today. Mr. Tong Seng seemz in a very good mood today. he also just arrived from Singapore yesterday together with Mr. Pek. He brings a lot of Malaysian Rambutan and a story bout how his 2 kg Durian were being refused to be taken to the plane by the Singapore cutoms hahahahahahaha (maybe they affraid their cockpit would be stinky hihihihihihi). He also show off his new Digi Cam, Fuji's 4.0 Mega Pixels..... Tong Seng, Tong Seng *boss yang aneh* wehuewehuewehuehehehehehe. Dah ah mo hunting MP3 lagi deeeeeeee................

July 03, 2005

Live 8 Charity Concert: The Fight Against Global Poverty

Bob Geldof claimed Saturday's shows would be "the greatest concert ever," and it was hard to argue with him after the unprecedented gathering drew everyone from Snoop Dogg to Bill Gates, Mandela to Madonna.

But the ultimate success of the Live 8 extravaganza will be judged by whether the world's most powerful leaders, gathering next week for the Group of Eight summit meeting, listen to Geldof's demands for debt forgiveness, trade concessions and $25 billion in aid for Africa. (Interactive: Live 8 explainer)

"History and the generations to come will judge our leaders by the decisions they make in the coming weeks," former South African president Nelson Mandela said after taking the stage in Johannesburg, where the crowd of more than 8,000 people gave him a five-minute ovation.

"I say to all those leaders: Do not look the other way, do not hesitate ... It is within your power to prevent a genocide."

"This is our moment. This is our time. This is our chance to stand up for what's right," U2 frontman Bono told a crowd of 200,000 in London's Hyde Park.

"We're not looking for charity, we're looking for justice," Bono said. "We cannot fix every problem, but the ones we can, we must."

In Philadelphia, on the Independence Day weekend, actor Will Smith called the festivities a worldwide "declaration of interdependence."

"Today we hold this truth to be self-evident: We are all in this together," Smith said. Beamed around the world by satellite, he led the audience in snapping their fingers every three seconds, signifying the child death rate in Africa.

Neil Young performed rousing renditions of "Keep on Rockin' In The Free world" and "O Canada" before 35,000 roaring fans at Canada's event in Barrie, Ontario.

Paul McCartney and U2 opened the flagship show of the free 10-concert festival with a rousing performance of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."

In Philadelphia, on the Independence Day weekend, actor Will Smith called the festivities a worldwide “declaration of interdependence.”

“Today we hold this truth to be self-evident: We are all in this together,” Smith said. Beamed around the world by satellite, he led the audience in snapping their fingers every three seconds, signifying the child death rate in Africa.

The London crowd joined in as R.E.M. sang “Man on the Moon,” then heard U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan declare: “This is really the United Nations ... The whole world has come together in solidarity with the poor.”

The crowd went wild for the reunion of Pink Floyd — the first time guitarist David Gilmour, drummer Nick Mason, keyboard player Richard Wright and bassist Roger Waters appeared onstage together since 1981.

Geldof’s claim that 3 billion people around the world were watching Saturday seemed overblown, as did talk in Philadelphia that a million people were on hand. But Live 8 was huge nonetheless, with a mile-long crowd stretching from the front steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and America Online saying that more than 5 million people sampled its live video streams, which broadcast all 10 concerts in their entirety.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

July 02, 2005

The Arrival of the Goodie Bag Package and Kanye's Latest Music

Finnally after waitin' for almost a month, the Gorillaz prizes from Prambors have arrived at home. Yes... just can't wait to see it at home. By the way, while i'm typing this post, i haven't see the package yet, secara i'm still at da office huehehehehe. My sister just called me a few minutes ago tellin' me that the package have already here, and how she can't wait to open it and keep flirting me so that she could open it without waitin' for me. *dasar... ade yang aneh* huehehehehehe. No lil sist, that's a big NO..NO..aight.

Da Vinci Code, just 10 chapters away to finish it huehehehehe. Just can't wait to know how it would end....huhmmmmm. Oh ya, my lil bro, Farid, has return to home since last week. It's holiday already at UNPAD, so he went home for about 3 weeks perhaps, since he's going to attend the "Short Semester" there.... Welcome back lil bro...

Huhm what else that i miss to tell u blg, this week, huhm...... Oh yeaah i finnaly got the Kanye West latest single, Diamonds from MP3000. Love that song so much. If i have to rate it, i'll give 5 stars from my hip-hop perspective hehehehehehe.

Kanye West


Diamonds are forever
They won’t leave in the night
Have no fear that they might
Desert me

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)
The Roc is still alive every time I rhyme.
Forever ever? Forever ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever?……

Close your eyes and imagine, feel the magic
Vegas on acid,
Seen through these St. Laurent glasses
And I’ve realized that I’ve arrived, cuz
It take more than a magazine to kill my Vibe does
These writers don’t rhyme, so sort of
I thank ‘em
That mean I forgot better @#%$ than u ever thought up
Damn, is he really that caught up?
I ask if you talkin’ bout glasses, do my name get brought up?
I remember I couldn’t afford a Ford Escort, or even a 4 track recorder
so its only right that I let the top drop on a drop-top Porsche
- its for yourself that’s important
If a stripper named Porscha and u get tips from many men
Then your fat friend her nickname is minivan
Excuse me,
That’s just the Henny, man, I smoke, I drink, I’m supposed to stop I cant because

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)
The Roc is still alive every time I rhyme.
Forever ever? Forever ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever?……

I was sick about awards
Couldn’t nobody cure me
Only playa that got robbed but kept all his jewelry
Alicia Keys tried to talk some sense to them
30 minutes later seems there’s no convincing them
What more can you ask for?
The international awards? nah
Who complains about when he is old?
And throw a tantrum like he’s 3 years old
You gotta love it though somebody still speaks from his soul
And wouldn’t change by the change, or the game, or the fame, when he came, in the game, he made his own name
Now all I need is y’all to pronounce my name
Its Kanye - But some of my plaques - they still say Kane
Got family and a deacon, folk from Motown
Back in the Chi - them folks ain’t from Motown
Life movin’ too fast I need to slow down
Girl ain’t give me no ass, ya need to go down
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
My father Ben said I need Jesus
So he took me to church and let the water wash over my season
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
The preacher said we need leaders
Right then my body got still like a paraplegic

You know who you can call you gotta best believe it
The Roc stand tall and you would never believe it
Take your diamonds and throw ‘em up like you bulimic
Yea the beat cold but the flow is anemic

After debris settles and the dust get swept off
Big K pick up where young Hov left off
Right when magazines wrote Kanye West off
I dropped my new @#%$ sound like the best of
A&R's lookin’ like “pssh we messed up”
Grammy night, damn right, we got dressed up
Bottle after bottle till we got messed up
In the studio, where really though, yea he next up
People askin’ me if I’m gon’ give my chain back
That’ll be the day I give the game back
You know the next question dog “Yo, where Dame at?”
This track the Indian dance to bring our reign back
“What’s up with you and Jay, man, are y’all ok man?”
They pray for the death of our dynasty like Amen
R-r-r-right here stands a-man
With the power to make a diamond with his bare hands…

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)
The Roc is still alive every time I rhyme.
Forever ever? Forever ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever?……

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)

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