<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: Sambil mikirin Trio Macan .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


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. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


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December 08, 2006

Sambil mikirin Trio Macan

Mmmmmmmmmm............ dah December tapi lom posting juga. Gak tau nih jadi males aja akhir2 ini. Selain karena kerjaan yg terus menyita waktu, yah emang gak ada ide aja buat nulis. Okeh, untuk menunjukkan betapa gak adanya ide sama sekali pada diri sayah, maka postingan kali ini akan sayah isi dengan foto huehehehe dan juga PeEr dari Neng Lala tak..u..u.. yg ngirim PeEr-nya dr Graha Mobisel Mampang hehehe *awaaaaaas............ ada Mr. Malcolm ngeliatin lo lg nge-blog La hehehe*.
Foto yg aneh ini adalah foto sayah bersama Nyokap sayah yg tercinta *huehehehehehe.... mirip gak, mirip gak??* bersama dengan tetangga sebelah nyokap dikantornya, si Shane *whose also become her son at the office hehehe*. Waktu itu sebenernya gw ama nyokap n also bokap abis ngelayat di daerah Bangka ke rumah temen yg udah gw anggap jadi sodara gw *may u rest in peace Dimas :-(* Setelah beres ngelayat n nyolatin, sembari nunggu DJ Mudakir jemput gw balik, mampir deh ke kantor nyokap dulu dideket Kem Chick n Taman Kemang. Walhasil sekalian reunian jaman magang 6 tahun yg lalu hehehe.

Lanjut ke PeEr-nya Neng Lala tak..u..u.., nih tak jawab pertanyaan2nya hehehe;

5 Alasan Nge Blog

- Sebenernya di February 2005, kenapa gw bikin My #1 Spot, yaitu sebagai media untuk melupakan seseorang pada waktu itu, walaupun kok semenjak Lebaran kembali kok dia ngontak gw lagi yah setelah ampir 2 tahun gak kontak?????.

- Biar bisa memperbaiki cara nulis gw yg amburadul *walau ampe sekarang tetep amburadul, alias gak ada progress hehehe*

- Biar bisa nambah temen2 baru yg juga punya hobi yg sama which is ngeblog n dengerin musik

- Nambah ilmu tentang komputer, secara rajin ngotak-ngatik blog hehehe.

- Ajang narsis and jual diri biar bisa go-international hehehe *orang yg aneh*

5 Tipe Blog yang Anda sukai

- Selalu ter-update

- Yg skinnya seru

- Cara penulisan lucu n manteb

- Yg templatenya bener n gak amburadul

- Blog yg suka mampir ke blog gw, jadi yg jarang mampir, harus diconsider ulang hehehehe *just kidding*

5 Blog yang sering anda kunjungi

- Blog-nya bloggers yg udah ngasih komen ke gw

- Blog-nya bloggers yg udah ngisi shoutbox gw

- Blog-nya bloggers yg udah nyuruh gw buat mampir via Y!M krn ada postingan baru

- Blog-nya bloggers keluarga besar Bloggers Family

- Blog-nya bloggers keluarga besar Putuss yg masih sering update

5 Blogger yang ingin anda lempari Pe-Er ini

- Bebek (biar semakin numpuk tugasnya hehehe)

- Chantee (gantian dong Chan)

- Za (ayo Za.... kerjain !!! hehehe)

- Gaussac (sambil ngopi, ngerjain PeEr deh)

- Vini nu geulis (ayo-ayo dikerjain hehehe)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah wah beneran mirip lho antara 2 orang anak ini :) kayak abang adek hi hi

Monday, December 11, 2006 4:16:00 PM  
Blogger za said...

ADAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM......kejem kejeeeeeeeeem......

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahh... sekali-sekali ngasihnya jangan PR napa... duit kek... kuehh kek... :p
btw karena pr-nya ga banyak, janji mati deh sayah kerjain :D

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

setuju ma bebek tuh...mendingan bagi2 duit aja :D
duh...serasa anak sekolahan lagi nih, waaahh nostalgia lagi...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:44:00 AM  
Blogger unai said...

hahah trio macan???

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Husushushss.... untung gw lolos dari operan PR loe ya Dam :) Btw kalo nyari sarapan jgn ditempat gw, gw aja ga pernah sarapan. Mending pas lunch aja, makanan melimpah huhsuhsuhsuh....

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

waaah seleranya ad@m...
ckk ckk ckk ckk...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:53:00 PM  
Blogger AdAm_yg_CiamIk said...

#>Mas Arif: beda pigmen yah hehehehe...

#>Za: duh Za, jangan marah gitu dong hehehe. Terimalah PeEr tersebut dgn lapang dada hehehe

#>Bebek: PR pertama aja lom dikerjain dah minta duit aje lo hehehe

#>Gaussac: hus... udah gak usah komen. Ayo kerjain hehehe. Nanti dikasih duit, duit monopoli kikikikik

#>Mas Mikow: hehehe jangan tenang dulu boss. Tunggu PR selanjutnya huehehehe *ngancem* kakakakakak. Ooh gitu yak hehehehe

#>Thuns Elzan: anjrit.... nyokap gw itu boss ck... ck... ck...

Friday, December 15, 2006 9:02:00 AM  

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