<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: Last Night On Earth .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


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Template By Caz


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April 11, 2008

Last Night On Earth

Berawal pada saat senin 7 April 2008, disaat gw baru sampe kantor dan tiba2 si Sandra, teman sekantor teriak gak jelas pada saat gw sedang menuju meja, sambil melambai2kan, sebuah kertas ke muka gw. *plak*

Pria Ciamik: apaan tuh Ndro?????
Ndro: pasti lo bakalan seneng banget Dam kalo gw kasih liat ini pamflet apaan....... hihihihihi *nyengir gak jelas*
Pria Ciamik: ARRRRGGGGGGGGH........... udah sini cepetan *sambil muka mupeng*

Pria Ciamik: waaaaaaahhhhhhh................ kereeeeeeeeeen huehehehehehe *sambil diem2 dan semeringah sendiri karena liat tanggal 10 April 2008 di pamfletnya........... anjriiiiiiiiit*

Berawal dari situ pula deh, akhirnya gw langsung ngabarin ke temen2 yang aktif di U2-indonesia supaya ikutan di acara ini hehehe. Confirm pulalah yg dipastikan datang. Ada Mas Herry, Oyip, Lullu, dan gw. Ronal Extravaganza, Tika, plus AshBen atas satu dan lain hal akhirnya gagal dateng.

Finalnya kemarin, disaat kondisi keuangan sedang tekor karena abis ngeborong Pisang Goreng Pasir buat satu kantor, jam 19:00 kurang, akhirnya gw berangkat ke Sarinah Thamrin *dan untuk pertama kalinya si MoJo merasakan nikmatnya menginap di kantor hehehe*. Gak disangka, ternyata Mr. Herry a.k.a. Mr. Popo *wakakakakakakakak* udah duluan nangkring di D'place dari jam 18:00 hahahaha. Alesannya sih laper, cuma karena Mas Her dateng duluan jugalah, akhirnya Mas Her bisa memberikan info banyak tentang komunitas U2-Indonesia malem itu ke PR plus ownernya D'place selain sembari menunggu kehadiran kita satu-persatu.

Tepat jam 20:15 akhirnya gw tiba disana, setelah mengarungi perjalanan macet selepas hujan badai besar di daerah Selatan. Pas nyampe, weeeitsss..... udah ada Mas Her, dan Oyip plus 3 orang temannya (Nopek, Anang, & Wiwit). Gak lama menyusul datenglah si temennya mas Herry, Mr. Yulez dan Lullu *yang akhirnya ngembaliin my precious "CD U2 18 Singles + Bonus DVD Vertigo Tour Live in Milan dan CD How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb + Bonus DVD" nah sembari kita menunggu acara mulai, berhubung saudara Oyip waktu event di Oktroi Kemang gak dateng n masih ngidam sama Vertigo Milan, akhirnya gw merequest kepada si Mbak cantik di D'place untuk memutar DVD yg baru dibalikin ituh hehehe. Dan dengan penuh decak kagum, akhirnya 1 D'place menonton Live in Milan *feels great man hehehe*

Gak lama sekitar jam 22:00, layar big screen mulai ditarik dan DVD dimatikan. Kemudian muncullah sang MC pada malam itu dan memulai acara dengan membagi2kan goodie bags dr salah satu sponsor pada malam itu *saya dapet satu loh, atas keberhasilan menjawab jumlah SPG Djarum Black pada malam itu hehehe*. Selesai itu, acara berlanjut dengan opening band Jiwa Band yang lumayan oke lah menurut gw hehehehe walaupun tetep belum oke karena mereka gak bawain lagu U2. Mereka sempet bawain beberapa lagu dari The Police, Sting, Bob Marley, sampe Ahmad Dhani. Cuma tetep yg berkesan menurut gw adalah pas lagunya Audioslave - Like A Stone dibawain hehehehe, sempet membawa ke memori indah dan menyakitkan dimasa kuliah dulu hehehe *off the record*. Kita2 juga sempet request beberapa lagu cuma keknya gak di-puter akhirnya.

Sekitar jam 23:00, akhirnya main event U2 Night dimulai dengan dibukanya lagu pertama oleh Lima Band with "Vertigo" dan yg bikin kaget....... ada selipan "Stories for Boys" sama persis kaya di Vertigo Chicago n sumpah kereeeeeeeeeeeeeen. Mas Her sempet dapet bocoran dr orang dalem kalau malem ini mereka akan membawakan 20 lagu dengan 1 kali break *mantaaaaabh hehehehe*. Disusul lagu ke-2 dengan "Mysterious Ways" dan lain2 sampai akhirnya break (complete repertoir will be published soon). Gw juga sempet reportase ke Teh Thya sang Moderator milis U2-Indonesia plus website U2-Indonesia disaat lagu "City of Blinding Lights" dibawain. Seru banget deh pokoknya. Selama 1st session, kayaknya pojokan kita deh yang paling rame dan rusuh sendiri, secara kalo diliat yg lainnya hanya beberapa yg nyanyi2 kecil di meja mereka masing2. Pojokan kita justru yang paling gila dan jejingkrakan, tereak2, nyanyi semua lagi hihihihi..... *mungkin orang lain pada bingung yah ngeliatin, kok bisa nih orang2 hapal semua lagu yg dinyanyin wakakakakakak* tapi keren, itu bener menjelaskan ke-eksisan kita2 di U2-Indonesia huhuahahahahahaha...........

Break dimulai, kita istirahat sejenak setelah jejingkrakan sambil teriak2 nyanyiin lagu U2 dengan iringan Lima Band. Gak lama disaat gw lagi gak konsen tiba2 terdengar MC ngomong;

".....tepat hari ini juga, 26 tahun yang lalu, ada seorang teman kita yang bernama....... bla.... bla..... bla......"


Gw ngeliat ke sekeliling, meja....... anjrit pada cekikikan semua. Siapa nih biang keroknya???? Tiba2 mereka langsung ngucapin selamat satu-persatu dan minta maaf karena gak bilang2 rencana mereka. Anjrrrrrrriiiiiiiit........... gw kirain pada gak ngeh hehehe. Gak lama kemudian si Ditan sang MC nyamperin gw dan kita wawancara bentar, gw diminta ngenalin tentang komunitas U2-Indonesia, dan............. yah salah si Ditan juga sih yah, kenapa..... ituh mic dikasih ke gw, akhirnya gw naik bangku biar semua orang bisa ngeliat gw, gw cuap2 dah tentang ke-eksisan komunitas U2 Indonesia, mulai dr web U2-Indonesia milik Teh Thya, groups U2-Indonesia, U2 Bar (MacPhisto Underworld) di Bandung, sampe tentang plan acara main event U2 Nite tanggal 7 Juni nanti di Bandung secara panjang lebar *mampus loh* huehehehehe. Selepas itu muncul deh kue ulang tahun plus lilin berwujud tomat yang dibawa sama Sherly PR D'place yg ca'em punya hehehehe, plus sebuah minuman digelas kecil tepat disebelahnya *anjrit.... apaan nih???* karena daripada gak enakeun sama satu ruangan D'place, setelah blow the candle dan make a wish, *hajar bleeeeh* akhirnya gw telen dah tuh satu gelas kecil minuman gak jelas *gak pake gelasnya yah ditelennya* hehehehe. PANAAAAAAS!!!!!! RRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! *Ya Allah, Ampunilah hambamu yang terkadang penuh dengan kekhilafan ini ya Allah* :)

Pokoke kesimpulan untuk kejadian pas break session........ Makasih yah buat Lullu, Mas Her, plus Oyip. To be honest, it's 1 of my best birthday ever lah last night hehehe. Yaiyalah....... kapan lagi ultah dirayain pas berbarengan dengan acara bertema U2...... *weits..... salam pis nih ah buat yg punya Famestation hahahahahaha*

Lanjut ke sesi ke-2......... disaat Andy /rif bawain "Elevation" yang sumpah keren gila..... kita semua beranjak lari kedepan stage....... mungkin kalau kita dishoot sama kamera, gaya2nya tuh kaya crowd yg lagi nonton Vertigo Tour di Milan tuh antusiasmenya hihihihihi. Ada satu momen yg bikin gw gembira coz Andy /rif bilang ke gw didepan stage "Hey you, I like your shirt" hahahahahahaha. Memang sih, kayaknya gw doang di malem itu yg pake baju bertema U2. Aneh memang, padahal semalem kan acara U2 Night yah, tapi kok yg pake baju tema U2 kok gw doang *tring... tring... tring...*

U2 Night ditutup dengan sebuah encore, "Sunday Bloody Sunday" yg dibawain duet oleh Andy /rif dan Lima band.

Untuk complete list repertoire dan crazy photo shots, akan menyusul yah, soalnya masih belum dipublish nih hehehe.....

Conclusions (In my opinions off course):

  1. A terrific way to warm up the heat before June 7th gig, U2 Nite @ Famestation, Bandung.
  2. Lima Band dan Andy /rif bener2 total, dan bisa keliatan klo mereka mempersiapkan banget acara kemarin dengan maksimal. Terlihat dr hasilnya hehehe. Thanks buat Andy /rif dan Lima Band. Interaksi Andy ke crowd bener2 total. Gak percuma dijulukin Bono-nya Indonesia hahaha.....
  3. Crowd kurang semangat. Yang semangat cuma dr table U2-Indonesia dr awal sampe akhir acara *ya iyalah hahahaha*. Crowd hanya menggila dan mulai "sing-along" pada saat lagu "With or Without You, Stay, One, I Still...., & All I Want Is You". -----No Comment hehehe-----
  4. Kecewa, karena ngarep "Cry/Electric Co, Even Better...., sama MoFo" bakal dibawain plus “40” sebagai closing gak kesampean :(
  5. One of my best birthday...... walaupun ada satu yg masih ngeganjel, krn there's still 1 person, a very special person, yang belum ngucapin selamat till this point, padahal gw berharap banget dia bakal ngucapin.... gak tau whether dia tau atau nggak *but i think it's impossible of not knowing*, gak tau apa dia tau tapi sengaja gak ngucapin with a special hidden agenda, yang jelas...... think positive AdAm. It's still one hell of a night, though. So just screw it.......

Pokoknya, last night was it seems to me like it was the “Last Night on Earth” lah….. hahahahaha.

Last Night on Earth

She feels the ground is giving way
But she thinks we're better off that way
The more you take the less you feel
The less you know the more you believe
The more you have the more it takes today

You got to give it away / You got to give it away
You got to give it away / You got to give it away
You got to give it away / You got to give it away

Well she don't care what it's worth
She's living like it's the last night on earth
The last night on earth

She's not waiting on a saviour to come
(Halle, Christe)
She's at the bus-stop with News of the World and the Sun
Sun, here it comes
She's not waiting for anyone

You got to give it away / You got to give it away
You got to give it away / You got to give it away
You got to give it away / You got to give it away

Well she don't care what it's worth
She's living like it's the last night on earth
The last night on earth

Clock tells her that time is slipping / Slipping away
Tear drop sunshine / Slip slide
Two sides to one feels missing / Too heavy
Something she might be missing / Slipping away
World turns and we get dizzy / The world turns....
Spinning for you / ...and we get dizzy
The way it's spinning for me / Slipping away

She's living, living next week now
You know she's going to pay it back somehow
She hasn't been to bed in a week
She'll be dead soon then she'll sleep

You got to give it away / You got to give it away
You got to give it away / You got to give it away
You got to give it away

She already knows it hurts
She's living like it's the last night on earth
The last night on earth
Last night on earth
Last night on earth



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