<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: Monodactylus argentus .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
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------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


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August 02, 2006

Monodactylus argentus

Dammmnnnnned…………… 1 bulan terlewatkan lagi buat posting. Really sorry my blog, kelewat sibuk ama kerjaan ampe lupa buka blog sendiri even pas lg dikantor. Tapi, sekarang yg penting udah nulis lagi hehehehe. Hmmmmmm tapi bingung mo nulis apa euy. 1 bulan dah lewat dengan segala kegiatan yg melelahkan tapi mengairahkan dan menyenangkan. Tapi nulis apa dong??? Bingung…… (yak kembali terjadi pengulangan hehehe) oh iya ade gw hari ini ultah. Too bad he’s in Bandung. Well happy b’day then lil bro. Good luck with ur lecture there n moga cepet lulus ye hehehe. Tunggu aja kiriman dr gw. Nanti klo balik kita cela2an lg ampe capek kekekekekekek.

Dari pada bingung mending gw cerita tentang hari ini aja kali ye. Hari ini gw meeting ama GA Managernya Trans TV bo. Akhirnya setelah nunggu sebulan buat meeting akhirnya proposal company gw dilirik juga hehehe. Mudah2an cepet deal. Gw juga hari ini meeting ama orang2 EMI. Gokil kantornya asik banget, bebas n anak muda abis. Gw jadi berasa norak sendiri secara gw doang yg pake dasi. Meeting n presentationnya juga gaul abis man, sambil ngerokok n sambil nonton TRL hehehe. Even GA Managernya, Mas Iwan rocker abis ampe meetingnye pake “lu gw” segala hehehe. Coba gw bawa laptop td wuuuueeeeeeeeeh……. Makin mantab tuh keknya.

Semakin hari gak terasa klo kerjaan makin lama makin numpuk. Apalagi dengan ditambah dengan kerjaan baru yg dikasih Manager gw yg super asik sedunia Mbak Marissa. Gw disuruh maju bo buat ngurus tender di Philip Morris Indonesia (Marlboro) n minggu depan gw harus ngapalin semua isi company profile ama slide presentasi cos gw harus ikut Q n A meeting bareng Member of the Board-nya Philip Morris. Moga menang dalam tender pertama gw amiiiiiinnnnnn…….. hehehehe.

Jadi ngiri..... :-(

Duh blank lg nih mau nulis apaan. Oh iya minggu kemaren akhirnya gw ngumpul lg ama anak2 Putuss. Kita nonton bareng di Planet Hollywood. Pilmnya Lake House. Yg dateng gak terlalu banyak sih, Cuma Bunda, Fifi (yg bangga banget dgn kaos Pirates of the carribean-nya), Baim, Olif, Dyani, Pipit Yuli, Fina, Alfrie, Riri (yg udah bawa partner sekarang hehehe), Imi (yg juga bawa partner), siapa lagi yak, lupa ah hehehe. Tp gw nyesel loh nontonnya pelm itu. Menurut gw tu film bener2 aneh n over dreaming bgt bo. Kelewat ngayal. Mending fiksi ilmiah deh kek JP yg gw anggap msh lbh nyata n make sense hehehe. Anyhow, at least bs ngumpul lg brg anak2 hehehe.

In the meantime, itu dulu kali yah yg gw tulis. Nanti klo sempet kita sambung lg hehehe. Btw gw denger2 INXS katanya mau mangung di Soundrenaline Jakarta……….. Siapa yg mau nonton hehehehe? Saya mau. Kita tunggu aja deh mdh2an jadi. Oh iya, Radio Blog gw bentar lg akan nyala lg loh. Pokoke coming soon for your hearing pleasure, still under construction.

For my song pick at this moment, Mono – Life In Mono (OST – Great Expectations, 1998 if I’m not mistaken). Keknya tuh lagu gw banget untuk saat ini…….. gak tau kenapa…….. just read the lyrics aight………. Waktunya tidur hehehehehe………… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz……….. groooook…………….. slurppppppppp……………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Life In Mono

The stranger sang a theme
From someone else’s dream
The leaves began to fall
And no one spoke at all
But I can’t seem to recall
When you came along


I just don’t know what to do

The tree-lined avenue
Begins to fade from view
Drowning past regrets
In tea and cigarettes
But I can’t seem to forget
When you came along

I just don’t know what to do

I just don’t know what to do

I just don’t know what to do

I just don’t know what to do

Ingenue (fade out)


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