<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: October 2005 .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


Free Music
Free Music
Free Music

. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


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October 30, 2005

Relieved..... Relieved and Relieved

OK...... It's about time for me to post another entry again on my #1 Spot. Despite of what happend last night, though the result was not like what i've expected before, at least i've learned somethin last night. Akhirnya, finally, spontaneusly..... i can express the feelings that has buggin me arround in the last 4 months since i knew her. Yup... last night, i down on my knee, with a rose on my right hand, in a very romantic atmosphere in Buzz Cafe PI, with a little help of a cozy place n night from Zee n Ntan (Thanx anyway guys), i express my biggest deepest thought inside to her and seriously,... it was a one hell of a ride last night *gokil maaan, spot jantung gw, abis2an*.

Sekarang gw dah lega bahwa ganjelan yg seharusnya dah dr kemaren2 keluar dr mulut ini, dah bisa keluar. Yup..... and i'm proud of myself, that the way i said it was it's allllll gooood hehehehe *maaaan i'm coool.... halah2 jadi ancur dah nih entry-an*. Ok back to serious talk, setelah kejadian di Buzz Cafe malem itu, right after we went home to her uwa' house in Sunter, we have lots to talk about. And finally i got the answer.......... Hmmmm........... i think i don't want to let everybody knows about what exactly happend, but one thing for sure, i really felt relieve right now and though i felt upset also at the same time, well life goes on right?? There are things that is more important to be think of and well concentrate on, like my upcoming seminar n lecture convention in the mid of November.

Well actually...... there are many things that i would express on this entry, but, i just don't know what are the things that i should've write..... So, i just want to say thanks to Zee n Ntan, *u guys rock hehehehe* n a happy sweet 17th b'day to Ntan. Last but not least, thanx to Ms. Komodow a.k.a. Lisna. Thanx for hearing me, thanx for receiving the gift, and thanx for the inspiration for the past 4 months. It's been an honour to know you and an honour also to express my feelings to you. Hope that after what happend last night, things won't change among us....

Ryan Cabrera
Shine On

I've given every moment I had
Still I can never seem to keep up with you
You're done with one mile, and on to another one thousand
Still I could never seem to keep up with you

I know you'll be better off without me when I'm gone
You know you're beautiful
You're beautiful

Shine on
You were made to shine on
and you know I love you
even if we can or can't be friends I'll be with you till the very end
Shine on
You were made to

It's keeping me awake everynight
But I can never seem to give up on you

I know you'll be better off without me when I'm gone
You know you're beautiful
You're beautiful

Shine on
You were made to shine on
and you know I love you
even if we can or can't be friends I'll be with you till the very end
Shine on
You were made to

Nobody's wrong
Nobody's right
Keep moving on

Shine on
You were made to shine on

Shine on
You were made to shine on
and you know I love you
even if we can or can't be friends
You're gonna be better than you've ever been so
Shine on

You're gonna be just fine
You're gonna be alright love
You're gonna be just fine
You're gonna be alright love

October 24, 2005

mine 2 her

1. Sandy - Be My Lady
2. Once - Dealova
3. Jason Mraz - You And I Both
4. Mig Ayesa - Baby (I Love Your Way) - LIVE from Rockstar:INXS
5. Ryan Cabrera - True
6. Relish - You I'm Thinking Of
7. Will Young - Your Love Is King
8. Jamie Cullum - Everlasting Love

1. Robbie Williams - She's The One
2. The Cure - Pictures Of You
3. Switchfoot - Only Hope
4. Damien Rice - The Blowers Daughter
5. Counting Crows - Accidentally In Love
6. David Gray - The One I Love
7. Lemar - If There's Any Justice

Hey Hooo.... another posting borongan hehehehe. Ok, satu2 yah;

1). My 1st Blogfam KOPDAR (Buka bareng di Platinum, Plaza Semanggi)

Sabtu, October 22nd 2005, hari ini untuk pertama kalinya gw ikutan KOPDAR n bisa ketemuan sama temen2 yg biasanya hanya bisa bersua lewat tulisan. Gw berangkat dr Depok sekitar jam 15.00 dari rumah untuk ngejar waktu supaya gak telat bukanya. Meeting pointnyah kebetulan di Platinum Resto Plaza Semanggi. Gara2 sempet ketiduran, eh kelewatan ajah gitu Plangi. Bangun2 bangun gw dah didepan RS Harapan Kita (huehehehehe..... AC-nya wenak tenan kali yah jadi kebawa tedur deh). Setelah sampe di Plangi, maaaaaaan...... Platinum rame banget sore ituh ama orang2 yg dah siap untuk berbuka. Segera deh nelepon Yaya biar tau posisi temen2 yg dah dateng ada di seats sebelah mana. Waaaaaah dah 4 orang ternyata yg dah dateng. Ada Yaya, Yunus, Linda sama Ken. Gara2 bangkunya dah abis, gw sempet diri sebentar sampe akhirnya dapet juga tempat duduknya hehehe. Setelah ngobrol2 bentar, akhirnya dateng juga waktu berbuka. Nyam Nyam Nyam..... sayah makan Nasi Goreng XO nu mahal pisan ama 2 gelas Ice Cappucino (yg bikin gw gak bisa tidur sampe jam 2 pagi). Kok dia gak dateng yah? Akhirnya gw telepon si Komodow kacrut, ternyata dia gak jadi dateng coz Pangky Suwito a.k.a. Ifa gak masuk kuliah. Coba kasih tau pagian, pasti bisa berangkat bareng kan :( Setelah itu dateng lagi rombongan Mbak Renha n suami n juga Edo. Trus dateng lagih deh si Ifa.... halah halah.... katanya gak jadi dateng, tp dateng juga si mama Pangky huehehehe... Oooohhhh ternyata mama Pangky seperti itu toh huehehehe (dapet salam dr Oom Yati Octavia n kru Tersanjung 6 *gubrak* kikikikikikik). Pokoknya seneng deh bisa ketemuan ama orang2 yg biasanya sebelumnya cuma ketemu lewat tulisan n foto :p Setelah kita selesai makan2 n kenyang luar dalam hehehe... Lanjut ke poto2 huehehehe. Setelah capek poto2, akhirnya pulang deh. Oh iya lupa, Mas Tom tadinye mo ikut, tapi karena satu n lain hal Mas2 yg satu ituh gak jadi dateng deh hehehe (waaaaaah.... Mas Tom rugi tuh nggak ketemu ama SPG2 n mahasiswa2 Atmajaya kemaren). Pokoknya menyenangkan deh bisa ketemu kalian semua, n just can't wait for another KOPDAR.


waaaaaaaaah.......................... ternyata kata anak2 bener huehehehehe. Makin lama makin mirip kaya Jay-Z. gw HOVA The ROC. Tinggal beli bling-bling yg ada huruf "@" yg gede dah huehehehehe untuk berevolusi menjadi rapper sejateeeh wakakakakak.

Mama Pangky lagi ngasih kode ke manager Platinum gaya penjaga toko buku di pelm Shinchan kikikikik. Klo gw...... BEDD Ambassador, tetep dong harus ngeBEDD bentar huehehehe

Full Team. Dah kenyang. Eh lom full team deng. Yunus, Ken, Gw yg ciamik, Mbak Yaya n Linda

Everyboooooodyyy............ Rock your boooooooddyyyyy........ Backstreets back, Allriiiight wakakakakakak. Ki-ka, Edo, Yunus, Gw, ehem2nya Mbak Yaya (huehehehe) and suaminya mbak Renha

2). Baksos Prambors Community (Putuss, Safari Sore dan Catatan Malam) n Rotaract Club

Minggu, October 23rd 2005, kali ini kembali acara sosialnya milis setelah Sahur On The Road minggu kemaren. Setelah semalem kurang tidur gara2 2 gelas Ice Cappucino malem sebelumnyah huehehehehe. Sebenernya bukan gara2 itu juga sih susah tidurnya, gara2.... lagi banyak pikiran ajah malem ituh, about what's gonna happend tomorrow. Setelah makan sahur, berlanjut tetep ke susah tidur. Akhirnya klo ditotal semalem cuma tidur 2 jam hehehehe........*biasaaaa* gubrak huehehehe. Setelah itu nyiapin n cek n ricek "ituh" lagi n gak ada yg ketinggalan setelah 1 minggu lewat terlantar. Yup sempet dapet kabar dr Ayou labi2 yg on off regarding ikut nggaknya diah ke Pancoran buat baksos... n jadi juga si labi-labi ngekut. Jam 12, berangkat, ke ATM dulu bentar, n langsung meluncur kerumahnya Komodow di Pondok Gwede. Maaaaaaaaaaaan................ macet bangget pasar yg ada photo Curtis Jackson a.k.a. 50 Centnyah. Kembali Ad@m melakukan misscalculation yg menyebabkan si Labi2 nunggu di Garuda ampe 1/2 jam huehehehehe. Ok kita berangkat naek Taksi n akhirnya nyampe juga di rumah Bunda. Absen duluw, dah ada tuan rumah (Bunda n Ariz), Titsi, Laila, bapak Moderator yg aneh Bang Udhien, ayah Iskak, Fifih, Olif, Dezz Tya dr catatan malam ama lupa ah hehehehe. Gak lama dateng pasangan soulmate sejati Bul Bul n Nanang (never ending story wakakakakakakakakak). Trus dateng lagih Yohan ama Sheila. Langsung berangkat ke Pancoran. Sempet nyasar dulu bentar, sampai akhirnya sampe juga di Jl. Pancoran Barat VI. Wah ternyata acara dagh mulai. Sembari nunggu buka kite2 dengerin dulu KULTUM dr pak Ustadz lupa namanya sampe akhirnya buka deh huehehehe. Pokoknya acara berjalan sukses n lancar. Sambil makan ada sedikit hiburan marawis dr anak2 Panti disana...... ruar biasaaa.... sumpe deh tuh tangan org2 yg mukulin marawis pulangnya pasti bengkak2 huehehehe. Setelah rangkaian acara selesai, akhirnya kita pulang ke rumah masing2. Gw pulang bareng Komodow n Olif. Ujannya gede banget maaaan.... tp untung Ad@m yg ciamik as always inih nggak lupa bawa payung. Nganterin sampe depan rumah Komodow seperti pada saat jemput, akhirnya my mission has accomplished. Now..... there is only a non-stop heartbeat that reach up right after i gave "it" 2 her until now i wrote this entry.....Hope she likes it.

Prambors Community bersatu bareng Pak Ustadz

Persiapan sebelum berangkat. Didepan rumah Bunda yg sudah beberapa kali menjadi saksi kenarsisan anak2 Putuss huehehehe

Fans Paris Hilton basodara wakakakakakakakakakakak

Full team gabung dengan Rotaract Club Semanggi

Tahiti 80

Enough for me is not much for you
Won't you forgive me that's all I can do
Can you feel my heartbeat
When I'm close to you

I'll never find another way to say
I love you more each day
It's quite romantic I know
That's how I wanna feel today...
I wanna feel this way

Can you feel my heartbeat
When I'm close to you

I'll never find another way to say
I love you more each day
It's quite romantic I know
That's how I wanna feel today
I wanna feel this way, today

Can you feel my heartbeat
Can you feel my heartbeat
Can you feel my heartbeat
When I'm close to you

I'll never find, no I'll never find
Another way to say
I love you more each day

October 17, 2005

huehehehehe....... asik.... asik.... asik....

Duuuhh...... Telat nih gw ngepostnyah. Secara ada 2 acara penting juga jumat ama minggu dini hari kemaren. OK, kita mulai dengan postingan entry yg pertama dengan judul:

1. Buka bareng Prambors dan Nokia BEDD Community

Jumat kemarin tepatnya tanggal 14 Oktober 2005, gw dateng ke acaranya Prambors n Nokia which is Nokia BEDD Community gathering. Berangkat jam 3 sore setelah ngajar dulu bentar, langsung meluncur kearah Sarinah Thamrin. Maaan.... macet banget Jakarta sore ituh. Cobaan puasanya jadi makin menantang man hehehe. Akhirnya sampe di Sudirman trus nyambung naek Busway ke depan Sarinah. Tempat acaranya tepatnya di MU Cafe (bekas Hardrock Cafe yg lama). Setelah sampe di sana, ternyata dah ada Riri, Bunda Nissa, Nicko, ama Ariz. Udah deh sembari nunggu buka, kita nge-BEDD rame2 huehehehe. Oh iyah, pada tau gak BEDD apaan? Klo gak tau, BEDD adalah suatu aplikasi pada HP yg berbasis Symbian dan bisa digunakan untuk seluruh HP Nokia yg ada fitur Blue Toothnyah. Naaaah.... Manfaat dr fitur BEDD ini adalah, kita bs chat dengan pengguna BEDD lain yg ada diradius +/- 20 meter dr kita dengan Bluetooth, tanpa mengeluarkan pulsa. Irit kan huehehehehe.

Ok kembali keacaranya, gak lama kemudian, dateng si Aray ama Bagus. Udah deh... Rame pula rombongan ini. Dimana2 yg namanya anak2 Putuss, mau sedikit kek, mau banyak kek, tetep become the center of attention huehehehe. Sembari nunggu berbuka, lalu muncul Keris Patih bernyanyi2 ria, tapi gak gw gubris tuh, secara sibuk ber BEDD ria hakhakhakhak.....

Tiba saat berbuka. Maaaaan seumur2 baru ngerasain dah buka puasa pake Coca Cola. Tuh perut rasanya pengen muter 7 keliling man. Untung ada aer putih juga, akhirnya Cokenyah gak diterusin. Lanjut ke makan malem nyam nyam... prasmanan bow. Setelah kenyang shalat dulu bentar bareng Aray n Bagus, balik lagih ternyata ada quiz tuk menangin Nokia 6600. Gak tau deh malem itu urat malu gw gak mao putuss, jadi yg kebagian hadiah Cuma si Nicko n Bagus (yg disuruh marah2 kagak bisa huehehehe). Setelah selesaiiii......... Finale deh, lagu dr Keris Patih. Kejujuran Hati versi accoustic huehehehehe..... menyayat hati maaan liriknya hehehehe.

Sempet curi-curi suara ON AIR rame2 pas CiPan reportase wat Safari Sore hehehe n trus bapak Robby n Ibu Egi nun besar pisan, minta kita2 ngerecord sedikit suara kita rame2 secara bergantian buat iklanin putuss n milis Putuss tentunya di radio hehehehe. Lumayan seru deh walo Cuma kebagian solo tuk nyebut kata "Jakarta" doang, tp teteuuup..... yg penting bs masuk radio, jadi iklan lagih wakakakkakakakak. Minggu depan dateng lagi gak yaaaaah.

Keris Patih performance

Cici Panda ama siapa gw gak tau hehehe

huhuhuhu wanita2 milis Catatan Malam yg serba putih2......... rrrrrrrrrrrrr

2. Sahur On The Roadnya Milis Putuss Prambors

Sabtu jam 20.00, 15 Oct 2005, gw berangkat ama Fikri, Sherly, Nia, ama Astrie ke rumah Bunda, karena besok dini harinya, kita2 mo ngadain Sahur On the Road keliling Jakarta. Sempet sedih juga sih since someone couldn't make it 2 come, due to her own health safetiness. Meeting point keberangkatan malem itu adalah dirumah Bunda Nissa, dedengkot milis yg juga merupakan markas, n berada di daerah Panglima Polim. Rutenya Rute pertama menuju Panglima Polim, lalu ke Sudirman, Casablanca, Kampung Melayu, Salemba, Cikini dan Megaria. Dari Megaria, pasukan Milis Putuss melanjutkan perjalanan :) ke by pass Cawang, Gatot Subroto, Sudirman, Al-Azhar Pusat dan berakhir di Blok S.

Setelah lama menunggu, akhirnya kita2 berangkat juga jam 1 pagi. Rombongan dipimpin dengan mobilnya Prambors Street Force Crew. Boks yg akan dibagikan +/- ada 300 boks dan tiap mobil kebagian 30 boks.

Gw bergabung dimobilnya Pak Imi bersama dengan Eva n Sapi Duduk a.k.a. Agung. Udah degh dengan semangat Bon Jovi (secara sepanjang perjalanan, lagu yg diputer lagu2nya Bon Jovi yg klasik mulai dr Bed Of Roses, Always, You Give Love A Bad Name, Keep The Faith, It’s My Life. Pokoknye kagak ngantuk deh hehehehe). Kita ngebagi2in makanan ke pemulung, tukang ojek, sopir taksi, asongan etc.

Gak nyangka loh, malem ituh banyak juga komunitas2 lain yg ngadain SOTR juga. Jadinya kita2 jadi dulu2an cari mangsa heheheh tapi tetep seru kok. Setelah keliling2 membagikan nasi bungkus, akhirnya kita kumpul di Blok S untuk makan Shaur. Sempet direportase secara On Air oleh Robby pas jam siarannya kontak kantuk. Gak lupa nepatin janji ke Komodow kacrut wat nelepon doi hihhihi..... *semoga nggak mupeng, makanya minggu depan ikut yah Dow*. Setelah selesai makan, huaaaaa...... kamera.... kamera..... kita poto2 di Orange Cruisernya Prambors street force crew. Bis ituh pulang lagi deh ke rumah Bunda untuk shlalat subuh n istirahat bentar. Jam 6 team Depok pulang dweeech.

Buat Bunda ama Ariz, nuhun pisan yah atas tumpangan rumahnya n swear feels just like home hihihi *Riz, Paris Hilton Rizzzz....... wakakakakakakakak*. Misi selanjutnya bakti sosial bersama 2 milis lain n Rotaract Club di Panti Asuhan daerah Mampang, next week.

Full team sebelum berangkat. Damn it.... gw dibelakang tuh yg plg tinggi :( Baju koko gw ala Ust. Adam Al-Buchory kagak keliatan man...)

Digoyang... digoyang... dogoyang.... break gituh ganteee....

Rusuuuuuh hehehehehehe. Rame yaah.

October 12, 2005

Who do you want 2 work with...??? Trump or Gontha...???

Yup....... who do you want to work with if you got the chance to work with these 2 super man in the business world. Though Donald Trump lebih kaya dr pada Gontha, tapi klo diliat Peter F. Gontha juga lumayan kaya lah klo di Indonesia meliat usahanya juga banyak banget man.

Klo gw sih hehehehe..... sayah ingin banget kerja di Trump Organization walau cuma mimpi doang hehehe. N cita2 itu (tuk kerja ama Mr. Trump n mecat2in orang2.....%$*%$*$) makin menggila pada saat nunton acaranya, which is The Apprentice. Ngomong2 tentang The Apprentice, senin kemaren di Indosiar udah ditayangin tuh remake acara yg diciptain ama Mark Burnett so-called "The Apprentice Indonesia". Buat gw sih asik2 ajah orang kita niru acara dr luar ini, toh beli kok lisencenyah. Yg penting gw bisa belajar dr acara ini on how the real world of marketing n sales is n tentunya work ethics, n gimana caranya bekerja in a team dan bagaimana leadership ituh di build up ,ter build up dan bagaimana mem-build up leadership ituh sendiri on ones personality, kan bs dipelajari tuh (jadi nunton TV gak selalu bikin bodoh yah teman2 hehehehe). Hope that many new lesson can be absorb from the show since in my opinion, this is a very good, high rated, n awesome show.... trust me.

Setelah nonton episode pertamanya kemaren..... yaaaah namanya juga episode pertama, masih banyak cacat2nya deh. Mulai dr editing yg kurang rapih, lighting yg gelap2an, ampe narasi yg gak nyambung hehehehe ditambah terdiamnya Mr. Gontha di board room (maaan kurang galak doi..... galakan si Donald Trump, n mecatnya juga kurang menyayat dihati). yup.... kemaren 1st tasknyah disuruh jualan es buah rada2 mirip kaya episode The Apprentice season 1 yg jualan Lemonade. Can't wait for next week task.

October 05, 2005

The One I Love

David Gray
The One I Love

Gonna close my eyes
Girl and watch you go
Running through this life darling
Like a field of snow
As the tracer glides
In its graceful arc
Send a little prayer out to ya
'cross the falling dark

Tell the repo man
And the stars above
You're the one I love

Perfect summers night
Not a wind that breathes
Just the bullets whispering gentle
'mongst the new green leaves
There's things I might have said
Only wish I could
Now I'm leaking life faster
Then I'm leaking blood

Tell the repo man
And the stars above
You're the one I love
You're the one I love
The one I love

Don't see Elysium
Don't see no fiery hell
Just the lights up bright baby
In the bay hotel
Next wave coming in
Like an ocean roar
Won't you take my hand darling
On that old dancefloor

We can twist and shout
Do the turtle dove
And you're the one I love
You're the one I love
The one I love

Yup.... at first i really hate this song so much when it was often played by several radio station in town. But in the end, for the last couple of weeks, i end up by seeking up this song MP3. Maaaaan i just realized that the lyric is sooo meeee...... Finally today i got it from Musicallypso21 forum. Thannnkkkk goooood..... Yes, it's official that this song is my current soundtrack heheehehe... Want to know whose the one I love in present???? Coming soon to a theatre near you *haiyah kek bioskop 21 hehehehe*. Oh Iyah Happy Fasting 2 all of my number one spot lovers out there n wis me luck aight....

. : Plurk Me Up : .

. : My Current Likes : .

------------------- U2 by U2 (U2 and Neil McCormick) -------------------

------------------- Rolling Stones + Martin Scorsese = Shine A Light -------------------

. : My Hommies : .

. : My Campaigns : .

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