<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: March 2005 .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


Free Music
Free Music
Free Music

. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


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March 21, 2005

"""::::::::What a Very WonderFul and Exiting Week:::::::"""

Part 1=> Sepakbolalalala.......Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Kuningan.
Man minggu ini adalah one of the best moments in my life. Finnaly gw sempet juga untuk ketemuan ma anak2 milis Putuss_Jia _You. Kamis siang guwe berangkat ke daerah Kuningan, tepatnya di jalan Rasuna Said, GOR Soemantri Brodjonegoro. Kita2 janji tuk ngumpul dulu di depan Dunkin Donuts, Pasar Festival. Kita ngumpul2 dalam rangkaian acara 34 tahunnya radio adam bangget Prambors 102.2 FM. Sepakbolalalala..... disana kita mo nonton pertandingan antara The Wadyabalas vs The Celebs yg ternyata dimenangkan oleh tim wadyabalas 7-4. Weeeeikkkkkkkkkkz...... tapi satu hal yg bener2 aneh tapi nyata, disaat orang2 dan anggota milis lain sibuk nonton bola, kita2 para banci foto malah sibuk sendiri dengan kamera. Wakakakakakakakakaakakakakak. Alhasil we became the center of attention that day hehehehehehehe. All eyez on the leftside of the seats. Setelah bola selesai, kita semua turun deh tuk foto2 ma Dagienkz & Desta, our soko guru and ternyata they really wecome us pleasently (Oh iya ada Mbak Nana juga bosnya DnD, program directornya Prambors). Pokoknya gokielz semua anak2nya. Setelah beres, akhirnya kita terdampar di Pasar Festival dengan perut keroncongan....krucuk2 . Pokoknya gw mo thanks ma semua my new Friends @ Putus_Jia_You, thanks 4 da pleasent and crazy welcome,hehehehehehe. Bunda Nissa, Mami Titsi, Riri, Sheila, and semua dedengkot Putuss...... Thanx 4 having me as a part of u guys......... Can't wait for the next gath (di rumah bunda kan...?).
Part 2=> Prambors Pas 34, Ini Radio Kamu..........Score, Citos (Cilandak Town Square).
Acara kenmudian berlanjut di sabtu 19/3/05. Tepat 34 thn usia Prambors. Dihari itu, kita janjian tuk ngumpul lagi pake baju warna ijo ama pink. Waktu gw nyampe Citos, ternyata didepan Score tuh dah penuh banget ma manusia. Nggak lama kemudian gw ma Bunda dan anak2 yg lain yg sebelumnya dah janjian ngumpul di Pisa Ice Cream, akhirnya bergegas juga ke front door. Kita sempet gak jadi masuk since gw telat nganterin bunda dulu jemput si Sneha, akhirnya kita bisa masuk juga and dapet front seat lageeeh pas disebelah kanan stage...uhuiiii......... Man lama kelamaan Score malam itu berubah manjadi lautan manusia, dan panas banget sumpe. Namun, yg namanya banci yah teteup banci, walaupun panas, kamera menyatukan kami semua hahahahahahahahahaha. Sebelum acara puncak mulai, kita sempet bosen dengerin DJ Darto dan suara2 dari turntablenya yg nggak jelas me-ngemixnya, akhirnya keluar juga duo kencur soko guru kami sebagai host yg pertama. Acara dibuka dengan penampilan The Groove, trus ada Club 80's, Sweet Martabak, Yovie & The Nuno, Andien, dll. Pokoknya malam itu was a night to remember. Setelah liat Club 80's akhirnya kita2 yg dah nggak tahan keluar juga akhirnya, trus ngumpul deh di Pisa lagi.... hehehehehehe. Yg bikin gw kesel, coba gw nggak pulang cepet2, kan bs ketemu lagee ma DnD. Ternyata gak lama gw pulang, anak2 diundang ke Fish and Co. ama DnD + Wadyabalas yg laen ................ : (

Begini nih kegilaan para banci foto (including me) di Sepakbolalalala March 17, 05 whuehehehehehe:

March 14, 2005

Finnally.....Public Enemy No. 1 di Penghuni Terakhir 2 Terekstradisi

huahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Gw malem tadi seneng banget deh setelah nonton malam ekstradisi Petir 2. Akhirnya orang yg selama ini udah make jampe2 ama dukun supaya diselametin berkali-kali sama penghuni yg laen, pupus sudah harapannya. Indonesia Pesta malam tadi huaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Sebenarnya gw dah geddeek abis ma ni orang semenjak awal Petir 2. Gayanya nggak banget, bikin gw mo muntah. Cuma gw sama seluruh Sherly haters di Indonesia dah dalam puncak kebencian semenjak acara beranda sabtu malam, disaat dia ma Adith secara semena2 tanpa perikemanusiaan dan gaya Bar-Barnya memojokkan idola ku si Puti Sare dr Bandung huehehehehehehihihihi. Pokoknya gw seneng banget si Sherly terekstradisi. YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...............



March 12, 2005

BDP Koempoel 11 March 2005, Kebun Raya Bogor

Jam 7 gw dah berangkat dr rumah, naik ojek trus naik bus deh. Buset seminggu nggak naek bus, ongkos udah naik aja. BBM emang parah nih naiknya, masa dr 2500 jadi 3500 ke Bogor. Yg bener aja. Udah deh dengan amat terpaksa gw bayar seadanya ke kenek bus. Setelah tenang gw nyalain deh HP gw, nyalain Prambors, tidur, weitzz baungun2 dah didepan IPB Baranangsiang, buru2 gw turun trus naik angkot ke Ramayana. Sampe didepan Kebun Raya, ternyata ada si Ndro. Ngobrol2 bentar ehhhhhhh dateng si EQ. Nggak lama kemudian akhirnya dateng satu persatu rombongan BDP. Ada Uci, Dea, Cucu, Lia, Ika, Ita + Kang Masnya, Neni, Siska, Echo, Felix, Adiet, Hadi's Family (huehehehehehe), Rio, Zae (walaupun telat.....begadang chatting mulu sih lo), Gunawan, Kadir, Casminto, Iqbal, Andi, Tasdiq, Satya, Adil, Anwar, Fajar Leutik, trussssssssss ada lagi nggak yah????? Lupa gw man. Pokonya acaranya seru abies, awalnya acara dimulai dengan tumpengan, trus cowok2nya pada Jum'atan dulu. Selain itu kita juga cerita2 tentang kerjaan (bagi yang dah gawe), penelitian (bagi yg lom lulus termasuk gw), pokoknya Seru buangggggeettttt Boo...!! Setelah cape makan, acara lanjut ke tuker2an kado....kikikikik. Kadonya banyak yag kagak penting. Gw dapet agenda dari si Ku Dil (Adil). Bis itu acara pamungkas, tebak2an tokoh BDP dgn host plg garing & plg nggak penting sedunia, sejurusan, sefakultas, se-IPB hehehehehe EQ ma Dea wakakakakakakakka. Setelah cape, acara ditutup dgn foto2 nggak penting di Kebun Raya Bogor huehehehehehe. Pokoknya seru deh acara kemaren, kangen gw ma temen2 yg dah lama ilang gara2 gw sibuk ma penelitian di Rumah and kerjaan dah terobati kikikikikikikik. Pokonya gw nggak sabar untuk ketemu lagi di acara kaya gini and kalo bisa pd dateng semua : )

Me, Gun, Iqbal, Cas, Yaya, Ndro, Felix (Abun) enjoying the food....yummmeee

adam_yg_ciamik, Kiloes, and Uchie Dut heheheheeh

me, Felix, and Yaya Kuya the Cam Aware boys

The girls are gettin' ready with da food.....slurp...slurp




Big Fams Of BdP 37 in FrOnT of Kebun Raya Bogor Gate

March 09, 2005

(((***Lagi di KuAntoor neH""")))

Hueeehh sebel hari ini harus kekantor. Tadi orang telkom nelepon gw soalnya. Mo ngomong mengenai instalasi ADSL. Ya udah gw buru2 berangkat deh dr rumah. Padahal cucian lom beres, ikan lom disifon. Nggak papa deh sekalian ngambil duit belanjaan Mbak Diana kemaren hehehehe. Lumayan bo 75000 perak hehehe. Bisa buat beli pulsa kan. Fiuhhh heran gw ma org2 kantor sini. Diajarin pake internet kok masih bingung2 juga yah. Ternyata masih ada yg lebih parah drpada temen2 gw. Kikikikikik. Dah ah mo makan siang dulu. Laper gw belom makan siang. Bye...bye... blog.

March 07, 2005

Lagunya adam_yg_ciamik Bangggeetttt....hehehehehe

Posted by Hello
The Roots feat. Cody Chesnutt - The Seed
Verse 1: Black Thought
Knocked up 9 months agoAnd what she finna have she don't knowShe want neo-soul, this hip-hop is oldShe don't want no rock-n-rollShe want platinum or ice or goldShe want a whole lotta somethin' to foldIf you a obstacle she just drop ya coldCuz one monkey don't stop the showLittle Mary is badIn these streets she done ranE'er since when the heat beganI told the girl look hereCalm down I'ma hold your handTo enable you to peep the planCuz you is quick to learnAnd we can make money to burnIf you allow me the latest gameI don't ask for much, but enough room to spread my wingsAnd the world finna know my name

Verse 2: Cody Chesnutt
I don't ask, for much these daysAnd I don't bitch, and whine, if I don't get my wayI only wanna fertilize another behind my lover's backI sit and watch it grow standin' where I'm atFertilize another behind my lover's backAnd I'm keepin' my secrets mineI push my seed in her push for lifeIts gonna work because I'm pushin' it rightIf Mary drops my baby girl tonightI would name her Rock-N-Roll

Verse 3: Black Thought
Uh-huhCadillac need space to roamWhere we headin for she don't knowWe in the city where the pros shake rattle and rollAnd I'm a gaddang rollin' stoneI don't beg I can hold my ownI don't break I can hold the chromeAnd this weighin' a ton and I'm a son of a gunMy code name is The Only One and Black Thought is badThese streets he done ran ever since when the game beganI never played the foolMatta fact I be keepin' it coolSince money been changing handsAnd I'm left to shine, but the legacy that I leave behind be the seed that'll keep the flameI don't ask for much but enough room to spread these wingsAnd the world finna know my name

Verse 4: Cody Chesnutt
I don't begFor no rich manAnd I don't scream, and kick, when his shit don't fall in my hands, manCuz I know how to stillFertilize another against my lover's willI lick the opposition cuz she don't take no pillOoh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-no dearYou'll be keeping my legend aliveI push my seed in her push for lifeIts gonna work because I'm pushin' it rightIf Mary drops my baby girl tonightI would name her Rock-N-RollOh-ooh break it down, break it down, break down beat
breakI push my seed somewhere deep in her chestI push it naked cuz I've takin my testDeliverin' Mary it don't matter the sexI'm gon' name it rock and rollI push my seed in my push for lifeIt's gonna work becuz I'm pushin it rightIf Mary drop my baby girl, tonightI would name her Rock-N-RollI would name her Rock-N-RollI would name her Rock-N-Roll yeahI would name it Rock-N-Roll

March 06, 2005

:::::hUHHMMmm bentar lagi mo pulang NeH::::::

Huhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm. Another day lagi di kantor yg lumayan nyaman. Seperti biasa semalem gw nginep setelah Mbak Ai Yen nggak bs nginep tuk ngerjain kiriman Cheuk Long Trading ke Hong Kong tadi malem. Untungnya cuma sedikit kirimannya, ikan tawar 3 box, aquatic plants 2 box....fiuuuhhh. Sehingga gw bisa nyantai ngerjainnya tadi malem. And now here i am still sittin' infront of the computer, still struggling to find some new customers somewhere out there in the otherside of the world, through the internet he...he...he... Thank god bentar lagi koneksi di kantor mo ganti pake telkom (ADSL), so nggak bakal lemot lagi koneksinya (cihuiii) and bisa connect seharian tanpa harus keganggu ma telepon yg nggak berenti2. Gw harus kontak CBN deh buat resign.... Tapi gimene yah....au ah. Hummmmmmmm....... mbak Lina lagi ngapain tuh......ooohhhh lagi main game wikikikikikik. Nggak ada kerjaan doi. Si Mr. kemane yah...? Bodo ah......waaaah semalem gw nonton American Idol ketiduran lageeehhh, syang banget salah satu jagoan gw di depak (Aloha). Tak ape lah masih ada Nadya sama Mikailah hehehehe. Aduh nggak penting banget sih tulisan gw yaiks....Mo nulis apa lagi yah.............Oh iya kata anak2 gathering BDP koempoel jadi di Kebun Raya Bogor jadi tanggal 11 Maret siiiiiiiiiiiiiiip lah. Duuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh............jam 4 lama banget sih man. dah mo pulang nih gw. Nyokap masak apaan yah.....? Mbak Lina, dah yuks pulang hehehehe males nih terusin aje besok. Btw minggu depan kok kiriman dikit amat yah cuma Singapore 2, Tokyo 2, Guang Zhou 1, London 1 udah deh. ASIIIIIKKKKKKKKKK nggak terlalu sibuk deh yipppeeeeeee.... dah ah masih banyak kerjaan nih gw, back to work and stop with this omongan nggak penting......

Dijual....Dijual.... Anubias nana impor dr Frankfurt, Germany untuk penggila aquascaping hehehehe. Guys klo mo beli yg pot, perpotnya Rp. 13000, bundle Rp. 11000, dan loosed Rp. 10000  Posted by Hello

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------------------- Rolling Stones + Martin Scorsese = Shine A Light -------------------

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