<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: January 2006 .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


Free Music
Free Music
Free Music

. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


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Milis U2 Indonesia

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Free Shoutbox Technology Pioneer

January 25, 2006

Empty = Kosong = Nol = Zero

January......... What an unproductive month.... Just imagine, this is my 2nd post for January 2006. Where the hell are my usual creativities??? Hmmmm...... sebenernya sih banyak banget yg terlewat for me to write down on the past 2 weeks.... tapi males ah. Mulai dari interview yg gak berenti2 cuma gak mutu smuanya perusahaannya, lanjut ke deadline judisium ama daftar wisuda yang makin deket n gw masih 70%.......... Tapi yg paling penting............... gak ada hehehehehe. Udah ah, nih gw kasih lagu yg lagi gak bosen2nya gw dengerin. Judulnya Carrie, yang nyanyi Scott Grimes. Dengerin baik2 yah liriknya, totally Ad@m banget and kinda reminds me of her................. fiuuuuh au' ah gelap (*&%%!*I&^$^%#*&%*^%#&;^%$*)*&


Scott Grimes

She's the kind of girl
Does what she's gonna say
All the friends she left behind
That never gonna get away
Tell me honey, livin' in the sun
Our life had just begun
I'm alright
I'm alright

There came a little town
Just around the second day
Like the friends she left behind
How they gonna get away
Remember Carrie
Oh, when we were young
And life had just begun
I'm okay
I'm okay

Carrie, what you gonna do without me?
They say you're not the only one
You got that smile I can't resist
Now I'm not even missed am I Carrie?
How you gonna live without me?
I've seen the writing on the wall
You know you'll always be an angel
In the life that will I live without you

Early Sunday night, it read time for me to get away
I don't love you anymore, that's all it had to say
Tell me can you live with what you've done?
Well I guess you're not the one
I'm okay
I'm okay


January 06, 2006

Swing It Daaaaaaaaam...............!!!!!

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Me with my masterpiece (before the convention)

Alhamdulillah..... akhirnya bisa juga posting setelah kemaren, another phase from my wonderful life just went by. Tepat kemarin, Rabu, 4 Januari 2005, M. ****** Adam yang ciamik telah menjelma menjadi M. ****** Adam, S.Pi dengan embel2 yang ciamik tentuna huehehehehe...... Sebelum berkisah tentang kronologis kejadian kemarin, lets just start it from monday. Senin kemaren gw ada panggilan interview di tower 2 BEJ. Awalnya sih bener2 optimis setelah ngeliat kantornya, but maaaaan ternyata kantornya tuh kek semacam perusahaan yg nyari2 investor ala MLM gitu dengan berkedok Stock Trading Consultant. Kantor sih boleh di BEJ, Lt. 28 but i'm just quite doubtful about the prospect and all the bad things behind all of their aims. Akhirnya setelah disuruh dateng lagi minggu depan buat interview kedua...... males aaaaah, mending hunting yg lain. Gpp deh, yg penting bs ngeliat Pak Yusuf Kalla senen kemaren hehehehe.

Lanjut ke hari selasa, gw berangkat pagi dengan fully loaded amunition (wardrobe, books, research journals, etc.) buat sidang rabunya. Setelah minta restu ke kedua ortu yg ciamik, i went to the campus annnnddd finally nyampe deh. Gw nginep di SISTEK biar lebih play save besok paginya (just tryin' to avoid any worst scenario). Malemnya bukannnya belajar hehehehe, malah download beberapa MP3, specially downloaded for 'someone', ama cek milis indonesia headhunter deh, ama sedikit blogwalking sebagai penghibur. Some of my friends also suggest me "maaaaaan, udah kagak usah belajar, wong tinggal besok kok. Nyantai aja gila" walhasil, saya terhasud deh hehehehe. Tapi jujur sempet baca2 buku juga sih jam 1/2 12 malem. Sumpah gw kagak bisa tidur man. Diitung2 cuma tidur 3 jam tuh. Bangun2 jam 3 pagi, nyiapin baju, ngecek slide lagi ama dengerin MP3 deh hehehe. SISTEK malem itu cuma ada gw, Rio, Danny, Corro n Cas (yg 24 jam nonstop downloading ************. Dasar bocah yg aneh hehehehe).

Setelah shalat subuh, gw mastiin lagi apa konsumsi para dosen dah siap ataw belum ke KOPMARIKAN. Ternyata lom buka. Akhirnya sarapan dulu deh, nasi goreng hehehehe. Sambil nunggu nasi goreng kantin jadi, mandi mandi mandi. Nasi goreng jadi, nyam nyam nyam n then i evolve into a Trump Apprentice style n segera ke ruang sidang deh sekitar jam 07.30 dibantu oleh Rio n Kotek (thanx btw guys). Setelah mereka membantu gw, akhirnya siaplah gw untuk berperang hehehe. Nelepon pak odang ama pak harton lg sekedar untuk ngingetin kalo sidangnya jam 08.00 n ternyata mereka msh OTW. Gak lama dateng deh bu mia. Jam 08.00, sidang dimulai. Gw disuruh nunggu diluar ruang sidang dulu sementara mereka mo diskusi dulu *curiganya sih mau nyusun strategi tuh, pasti pasti pasti huh :-p* 5 menit kemudian gw dipanggil kedalem. N sidang dimulai, gw presentasi hasil penelitian gw dulu sampe akhirnya setelah selesai, forum dibuka dengan pertanyaan dr dosen tamu which is bu mia. weeeeekkkks....... awal2nya sih pertanyaan2nya normal2 ajah..... eh berlanjut ke arah logic n itung2an. Walhasil gw kudu bener2 aware with her simple but trapful questions.

Lain bu mia, lain pak harton....... Wah untung Gunawan pernah ngingetin gw klo pak harton nanyanya gak jauh2 dr hormon n ternyata bener. Pak harton nanya tentang definisi steroid, tipe2 hormon, serta faktor2 penentu keberhasilan dalam proses sex reversal pada hewan air. Masih disitu gw belum blank, but suddenly it all changed pada saat Pak harton bilang "Saya mo coba nanya diluar penelitian kamu yah" AAAAAAA DZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mana sih yg lebih optimal hasilnya, budidaya di karamba jaring apung atau kolam running water????; Coba gambarkan kurva laju pertumbuhan ikan serta udang *ditambah bumbu2 pertanyaan dr pak odang yg makin bikin gw ngerasa bego sendiri dan dibego2in alias grogi*. Akhirnya gw jawab sebisanya deh hehehehe. Alhamdulillah bisa diterima :) *padahal ngasal :-p*.

Akhirnya termin terakhir berlabuh ke my number 1 counselor, pak odang. Waaaah nanya rekayasa kromosom tuh, untung gw udah belajar tentang Ginogenesis ama Androgenesis n bagaimana menghasilkan jantan fungsional (YY) dan aplikasinya dalam pembentukan monosex population. Thannnkkkk gggooood...... Tanpa kerasa, jam udah menunjukkan pukul 10.15. Then the most full of tense monment has come. "Saudara Adam, mohon keluar dulu sebentar, kita akan berdiskusi dulu untuk menentukan apakah saudara lulus atau tidak" pak odang said. Akhirnya gw keluar, dan dengan kebelet pipis yg masih gw tahan, segera gw ambil sebotol air mineral Pure Life yg udah gw umpetin dibelakang AC deket pintu luar. Gw dag dig dug duuuueeeeer dech diluar. ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Mulai deh mikir yg nggak2 n gemeter sendirian huehehehehe. 3 menit kemudian pak harton keluar manggil gw disuruh masuk sambil ketawa2 "waaaaah gawat nih Dam, gawaaaat :)" katanya. Then gw masuk n pak odang mulai ngomong bla bla bla sampe keluar satu pernyataan yg bener2 bikin gw ajojingan atas bawah dalem hati "Saudara M. ****** Adam, dengan NRP C01400049, anda kami nyatakan lulus dalam ujian akhir ini........................ dengan syarat, skipsi saudara harus direvisi pada beberapa bagian yg sebelumnya sudah kita diskusikan tadi, maksimal 30 hari dan lebih cepat lebih baik". Alhamdulillaaaaaaah............ Akhirnya selesai juga yipppppeeeeeeeeee................... Ooooooh ternyata sidang gitu tooooh waaaaaaah................ Bener2 gak kebayang bakal kek gimana deh didalem. Totally unpredictable. Walhasil gw sidang 2,5 jam hehehehe (lama yak?). Sebelum they give me a warm regards, gw poto dulu deh mereka WHUUUAAAAAAK……. Mak mak…….. Aye dah jadi tukang insinyuuuuuuuuuuuuuur !!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh iya, makasih banget buat my partners in crime Danny a.k.a. Kotek (giliran loe man tanggal 16 wehehehehehe….. emang enak) & Rio yg udah bantuin gw di hari H dan juga temen2 yg lain. Thanx juga buat ortu n ade2ku tercinta yg gak berenti doain n gak lupa juga buat "someone", thanx for the inspiration n also support, though u'll never realized how so important you are and how you really influenced my life. Buat temen2 di milis Putuss atas doanya, dan juga Fikri yg nyebarin ke anak2 yg menyebabkan semakin banyak lagi yg ngedoain gw hehehehehehehehe. Lala juga yg udah ngabarin ke anak2 klo gw dah lulus dengan sukses marises n tentuna to my virtual family at Bloggers Family. Thanx for the wish of lucknya guys. Untuk dokumentasi maaf lom sempet dikeluarin dr digicam hehehe. Nanti klo udah, just let the photos tell it all…………… AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAEEEEIIIIIIIIY…………….

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Me with Danny a.k.a. Kotek (sebelum sidang, gaya dulu dong ala east cost, west coast)

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The Assasinators Left to Right: Bu Mia, Pak Harton, Pa Odang

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Tim sukses: Danny (in red) and Rio

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Dungeon of doom (lorong kematian huehehehehehe)

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The room where all the magic happend huehehehe

Ryan Cabrera

A photo, can say a thousand things
But it can't say the million things
I wanna say
A photo, can capture the way we were
But it can't capture the way we are
Cause you're far away

What it's like to know you
What it's like to touch you

When I told you that I loved you
Were those just words?
You can't tell me you don't need me
And I know that hurts
Cause I'm looking at your picture
Cause it's all I got
Maybe one day, you and me will have
One more shot

Timing, lost minutes and moments
Yeah, I might be lonely, girl
But I'm not afraid
In a second, it all comes right back to me
No, nothing's forgotten now
Yeah, everything's saved

What it's like to touch you
What it's like to know you

When I told you that I loved you
Were those just words?
You can't tell me you don't need me
And I know that hurts
Cause I'm looking at your picture
Cause it's all I've got
Maybe one day you and me will have
One more shot

You were my life
You were my faith
You gave me hope everyday

When I told you that I loved you
Were those just words
You can't tell me you don't need me
And I know that hurts
Cause I'm looking at your picture
Cause it's all I got
Maybe one day you and me will have
One more shot

. : Plurk Me Up : .

. : My Current Likes : .

------------------- U2 by U2 (U2 and Neil McCormick) -------------------

------------------- Rolling Stones + Martin Scorsese = Shine A Light -------------------

. : My Hommies : .

. : My Campaigns : .

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