<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: December 2005 .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


Free Music
Free Music
Free Music

. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


Member of Bloggers Family

Milis U2 Indonesia

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Free Shoutbox Technology Pioneer

December 22, 2005

Mama you're the Queen of my heart

My Super Mom

Dedicated to all the wonderful, amazing, incredible mothers from all over the globe, especially to my wonderful... wonderful... mom. Thanx for having us as your children. Thanx for everything, Mom. Mom, if you read this blog (hehehe padahal sering tuh dikantor, hayo ngaku, deh dibilangin jangan buka2, kan jadi malu kikikikikik. Terserah mama deh mo baca2 blog Ad@m juga gak papa, asal jangan diprint n dibawa ke rumah euy, bisa geger 1 kampung hehehehe), ur ciamik son *halah* just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day. Love you n maafin klo Ad@m sering buat banyak banget salah in the past few years. Nanti malem piringnya Ad@m ama Lila aje ye yang nyuci huehehehehe n kalo sempet, nanti sore, Ad@m ajah yang jemput yah yah yah. Hugs n Kisses......

Boyz II Men
A Song For Mama

You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there
To comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama you know I love you
(Oh you know I love you)
Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul

(yes it is, yes it is,ohhhhh,yes it is,yes it is,yes it is... oohhhh)
You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
(Yes you did)
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be
The girl in my life
(oooo, oohh)


Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama


December 17, 2005

Something..... Far From Stupid, Something..... Beautiful

Pffffffffiiiuh...... disaat ujan lagi turun diluar kamar, ditemani secangkir wedang jahe instan yg dicampur dengan gula rendah kalori Tropica Naslim *gubrak*, 1 sachet, disaat lagi mentok-mentoknya buat ngecek skripsi yang mau gw siapin buat soft coveran para penguji buat sidang 2 minggu lagi, dan disaat lagunya Switchfoot - Only Hope (Mandy Moore Cover Version) lagi keputer di playlist Winamp PC adam_yg_ciamik, gw mo nyiapin wat ngetik entry terbaru dulu aaaaah hehehehe. Kan gw dah lama nih lom posting lagi semenjak postingan ultah Blogfam *tuh dibawah, liat aje huehehehehe* Yah sekedar mo update and just let this blog know lah bahwa..... finally....... akhirnya gw dapet tanggal yang keren juga juga buat sidang *amin* walau sebenernye gw pengen sebelum Desember berakhir, gw dah bisa sidang, but mo bjimane lagi, Pak Odang bener2 gak mau diganggu ama proyeknya di Desember ini... Hmmmmmm mungkin dia juga mo ngasih waktu ke gw kali yah buat belajar n lebih siap lagi buat dibantai atas bawah kanan kiri nantinya *halaaaaah....... ready or not, here i come, u can't hide..... kikikikik* Tanggalnya adalah tanggal 4 Januari 2005 which is Rabu tuh. Hmmmmmm kalo dipikir2 angkanya keknya bagus juga tuh yah hehehe secara gw lahirnya bulan April (baca: bulan ke 4-red). Yang lebih aneh lagi kemaren-kemaren pas sebagian temen2, bonyok, n dosen2 yg laen nanya, kapan sih tanggal gw sidang, gw nyebutnya tuh tanggal 6 melulu man. Gak tau kenapa yah, perasaan gw bilang kalo tanggal 6 ituh hari rabu wehehehehe padahal bukan...... Nah kan 6 + 4 kan jadinya 10 tuh which is my Birthday 10 April gimane gak keren tuh tanggal *wakakakakakakakak....... efek samping PLCS (Pre Lecture Convention Syndrome), gak usah ditanggepin, lagi bener2 error euy, stuck pisan, menih lieur tea si ciamik*

Buat tanggal 4 nanti gw udah milih dosen penguji tamu yaitu Ibu Mia which is yang pernah jadi chancellor gw waktu gw masih bergelut menyelesaikan PKL di karantina TAAT 2 tahun lalu. Beliau tuh yang ngedit, ngasih saran ama masukan for me to finish my PKL report @ that time. Selain itu doi juga pernah menjadi dosen di mata kuliah Nutrisi Ikan waktu gw masih kuliah *weks... klo inget kata Nutrisi langsung inget ama mortar yg gw pecahin 3 taun lalu........ DOOOUGH!!!!...... 150 rebu sob*. Pokoknya Bu Mia asik lah huehehehe *mudah2an di sidang nanti, she become the good guy rather than the bad guy huehehehe* Klo Pak Odang hmmmmmm...... gak tau deh, nada2nya sih doi masih kesel gara2 gw gagal dapetin data buat proyek dia despite of my enormous effort to get those datas *maaaan..... i went to DEPTAN-Ragunan, to Ornamental Fish Exporter Club, to TRUBUS, n etc. but the results were all the same. Those statistical datas are never exist* But he really really piss me off, since i don't see any "thanx for trying" on his face. Hope that, everything runs well lah n die jadi jinak2 merpati tanggal 4 nanti huehehehehe......

Kenapa hari Rabu???? Hmmm ibarat Pangeran Dipenogoro yang selalu memperhitungkan taktik untuk melawan musuh sebelum berperang, Pangeran Ad@m_yg_ciamik *kikikikikikikik...... Pangeran Dangdut kaleeeeee* juga gitu dong hehehehe. Jadi di IPB tuh setiap hari rabu dosen2 selalu mengadakan rabuan which is somekind of a meeting for all the dosens and it starts @ 10 AM. Wehehehehehehe...... klo begini kan 2 jam dah ditangan man secara gw mulai jam 8 AM contoh... contoh.....

(Disaat proses sidang sedang berjalan dan jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 9.33 menit.....)

Ad@m: Gag tau pak?
Pak Odang: Masa sih pertanyaan gampang seperti itu aja kamu gak tau?!!!!
Bu Mia: Iya.... huh
Pak Harton: *nyam.... nyam.... nyam* (wah lempernya enak juga wehehehehe)
Pak Odang: Wah.... dah jam segini nih, sidangnya udahan aja deh, kan kita2 harus reboan nih guys *weks pake guys, gawl amat* OK selamat yah Dam....
Ad@m: ..................... (lagi ngeliatin Pak Harton makan lemper) oh iya pak hehehe makasih *yes..... yes..... yes......*
Pak Odang: Ok, sob ayo kita reboan.........
Pak Harton & Bu Mia: Yiuuuuuuk............
Ad@m: Cuuuuuuuuuuw...........

*sidang yang aneh..... halah*

Teman-tamaaaaaan, doakan saya yah supaya sidangnya berjalan lancar n far from any worst scenarios. Keknya tahun baruan kali ini merupakan tahun baru terbijak dan tercerdas yang akan Ad@m gunakan untuk belajar n jauh dari hura2 hix... hix... Oh iya selamat buat Pak Edo yang dah dapet rumah 1 1/4 Milyar......... Pokoknya, apapun yang terjadi di Negara ini, kita harus TETAP SEMANGAAAAAT.....!!!!!!!!! Selamat juga buat Pak Nurmahmudi yang udah dimenangkan oleh MA atas PK-nya terhadap hasil PILKADA Depok....... akhirnya Depok punya Walikota huehehehehe *gak penting ini omongan huehehehe*

Oh iya ada satu lagi yang lupa diceritain, hmmmm tadi pagi disaat gw lagi ngetik2 buat soft cover skripsi *ampe malem ini man gw ngetik*, disaat gw lagi stuck, gw coba buat buka2 beberapa album Greatest Hits dari beberapa my favorite artist di komputer. Sempet dengerin hits2nya Michael Jackson n ngakak abis coz inget kocaknya gaya Chris Tucker nyanyi di film Rush Hour 2 pas lagu Don't Stop Till U Get Enough keputer di PC. Trus juga dengerin greatest hitsnya Phill Collins, Sting, Elton John, ama Matchbox 20. Tapi yang paling manstabh mah teteeeup Greatest Hitsnya akang Robbie Williams. Nah, disaat gw dengerin alunan2 tracks dr album Robbie yg mengajak gw kembali ke masa2 kejayaan dan keemasan mulai dr awal masuk SMA, lulus SMA, masuk kuliah n pengalaman2 indah lainnya *yiuuuuk* ampe sekarang, dan tiba2 pas lagu Something Stupid keputer secara mendadak *secara ter shuffle pula* dan gw coba untuk menelaah n dengerin pelan2 liriknya, gw jadi ketawa sendirian man. Kenapa ketawa???? *padahal kan Ketoprak Humor dah gag ada lagi di RCTI.... halah* To be honest pas denger n mikirin lirik lagu ini, memori langsung berasa kembali ke momen2 memorable sebelum dan sesudah di BUZZ cafe beberapa waktu yang lalu hehehehe. Yang bikin ketawa adalah, gw ngerasa cupu aje n clumsy sendiri ajah ama those memorable moments. Yaaaaaah berasa kocak sendiri deh pokoknya *halah.... makin gag jelas* Yup, disaat itu i told my true feelings to her. Buat yg lupa ataw gak tau, coba baca postingan gw yang judulnya Relieved pangkat 3 Gw gak nyesel kok ama yg udah terjadi n bahkan gw gak merasa udah melakukan something really stupid @ that time *jadi jangan dianalogikan ke judul lagunya yah, u have 2 read the whole lyrics* n jujur i won't stop here, since each day goes by, this feeling is gettin' bigger n bigger. Kesimpulannya...... weheheheheh, baca aja line terakhir dari lirik lagu ini (eh eh ditambahin kata '....will always....' setelah subject 'I' kikikikikikikik *kabuuuuuuuuur*).

Eh ngomong2 gimana nih guys, wahai para fans Blog yg ciamik ini dengan Lay Out-nya yang baru ini huehehehehe *jarang2 nih gw ganti lay out, secara ama yg sekarang diitung2 baru 3 kali*. Bagus teu??? *ngarep dibilang bagus kikikikikikik* Masih mo melakukan web blog revolution lagi nih ke My #1 Spot. Doain yah biar lebih keren lagi yiuuuuuuk......

Prambors 102.2 FM Site

Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman
Something Stupid
(Used to be sing by Frank and Nancy Sinatra)

I know I stand in line
Until you think you have the time
To spend an evening with me
And if we go someplace to dance
I know that there's a chance
You won't be leaving with me

Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
And have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you

I can see it in your eyes
You still despise the same old lines
You heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you
For me it's true
And never seemed so right before

I practice every day to find some clever
lines to say
To make the meaning come true
But then I think I'll wait until the evening
gets late
And I'm alone with you

The time is right
Your perfume fills my head
The stars get red
And oh the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you


The time is right
Your perfume fills my head
The stars get red
And oh the night's so blue
And then I go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid
Like I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

December 06, 2005


Aaaah...... akhirnya sempet juga. Setelah terancam gak jadi posting dan secara brutal di diskualifikasi dr Lomba, akhirnya ada juga waktu buat ngetik. Jujur ngetiknya dah pengen banget nih disipain dr hari jumat kemaren, namun tiba2, monitor PC rumah mengeluarkan asap yg gag diduga minggu sore kemaren huaaaaaaa..... Konsekuensinya, yah gag bisa make komputer deh dirumah, secara harus nabung nyari monitor baru.

Posting kali ini bisa dibilang spesial. Walau secara jujur setiap postingan adam_yg_selalu_ciamik ini selalu menghasilkan teriakan2 histeris dr fans2 pembacanya *halah..... gubrak* yg tidak pernah ketinggalan untuk membuka blog ini *maap pak/bu juri kalo sedikit narsis.... hehehe*. Ok, tepatnya pada hari ini tanggal 6 Desember 2005 ini suatu forum yg sangat kucintai selain forum2 yg lain (kaskus, dkk.) merayakan HUT-nya yg ke-2 *horeeeeeeeee makan-makan* Duuuuh, kenapa yah klo inget ama ultah, gw selalu inget ama makan2....... Waaaaah semakin keluar dr jalur nih tulisan (skali lg maap buat para juri.... pis ah). Ok... Ok... balik ke tema semula.... Fiuuuuuuh *sambil menghela nafas dalam2*........ Ok, hari ini tepat 2 tahun Blogger Family lahir. Dah lumayan lama juga yak. Coba gw kenal blog lebih awal, pasti gabung ke Blogfamnya gag telat kek sekarang.

Kalo mo cerita gimana gw bisa nyasar masuk ke komunitas Blogger ini, adalah sebagai berikut. Mohon disimak dengan seksama yah pak/bu Juri hehehehe. Eh gag jadi deh, ceritanya awal gw kenal blog aja kali yak hehehehe. Awalnya gw tertarik ama blog tuh pas gw pertama kali Liat Blog temen gw Riri ama Titsi. Maaaaaan...... itu langsung deh gw love @ the 1st sight ama blog mereka n makin penasaran, gimana sih buatnya, nanya sana, nanya sini.... samp terwujud juga deh My #1 Spot hehehehe.

Nah, pada suatu hari dalam masa pencontekan template blog orang lain (kikikikik..... ketawan deh), gw melihat sebuah banner di Blognya Titsi

Blog Family

weeeeew...... tulisannya Blogger Family. Langsung deh gw ngiler aje deh tuh buat pengen tau lagi (masa sih, blog ada keluarganya hehehehe?).... Setelah sign up tepatnya pada tanggal 3 July 2005 n post pertama kali di Forum PERKENALAN, waaaaaaaaaa.... banyak banget yg ngerespon. Sumpah deh, seneng abis gw pd saat posting perkenalan itu hehehehe....

Semenjak kenal BlogFam, otomatis fans My #1 Spot makin bertambah hehehe. Dan juga kenalan makin banyak. Gak nyangka juga euy gara2 gabung di BlogFam juga gw bisa jatuh cinta lagi setelah dr 6 bulan (Feb-July) gak ngerasain apa2 alias hampa *hambar bo* wakakakakakakakakak.

Pengalaman trus berlanjut pada saat KOPDAR perdana gw di bulan Ramadhan kemaren. Akhirnya setelah cuma baca tulisan n liat poto2 sebagian besar dedengkot2 BlogFam; Yaya Ratu KOPDAR, Tante Ifa, Linda, dan masih banyak lagi hehehe. Pokoknya banyak banget deh kenangan2 baru yg muncul di kehidupan seorang Ad@m_yg_ciamik ini semenjak gabung di BlogFam. Mulai dr yg sedih, gembira, n menyenangkan yg udah dibaca tadi diatas, bener2 memorable bgt buat trus2 diinget hehehe.


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