<<<<==== My_#1_Spot ====>>>>: June 2007 .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

. : The Ciamik Dude : .

From::Depok, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Indonesia

"...I'm a nice dude, with some nice dreams. See these ice cubes, see these Ice Creams? Eligible bachelor, million dollar boat. That's whiter than what's spilling down your throat. The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs. The interior like suicide wrist red. I can excercise you, this can be your Phys. Ed. Cheat on your man ma, that's how you get ahizzead. Killer wit the beat, I know killers in the street. Wit the steel that'll make you feel like Chinchilla in the heat. So don't try to run up on my ear talking all that raspy shit. Trying to ask me shit. When my niggaz fill ya vest they ain't gon pass me shit. You should think about it, take a second. Matter fact, you should take four beat. And think before you fuck wit lil skateboard P..." 1st born child of 3, jomblo abeees since Feb 05', Aries, Converse freak, hate banana and papaya (taste n smell like shit...hoooek), love hip-hop, RM Consultant at Santa Fe Worldwide, height 178 cm, love teaching, semi-bold hair, nice, friendly, fun, and full of love type of person.

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Private E-mail: adam_yg_ciamik@yahoo.com
Friendster & Facebook : phat.bastardz@gmail.com
Yahoo!Messenger: adam_yg_ciamik

------------------- The place where I'm stuck now -------------------

. : My Soundtracks : .


Where The Streets Have No Name

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face See that dust cloud disappear without a trace I want to take shelter from the poison rain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Were still building Then burning down love, burning down love And when I go there I go there with you... (its all I can do)

The cities a flood And our love turns to rust Were beaten and blown by the wind Trampled into dust Ill show you a place High on ta desert plain Where the streets have no name

Where the streets have no name Where the streets have no name Still building Then burning down love Burning down love And when I go there I go there with you (its all I can do)

Play - Stop


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. : Credits : .

Template By Caz


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June 20, 2007

Attack of The Gecko

The Suspect a.k.a. Sang Tersangka

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Sauria
Family: Gekkonidae
Genus: Gekko
Species: G. gecko

Binomial name
Gekko gecko
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Local name (especially in da hood, down in Depok)
Tokek rumah / Tokek kamar mandi
(Adam, 2007)

Invasi ini bermula senin kemarin, jam 18:00 teng disaat Azan Magrib baru saja lewat. Diasaat saya baru saja pulang dari rutinitas dikantor, dengan merasakan lelahnya badan ini setelah bekerja seharian, tentunya yg langsung terpikir adalah istirahat....... *harus mandi dulu doooooong pastinya hehehe*....... Ahhhhhhh............. pikir2 sebelum mandi n shalat, mending nyelesaiin dulu aja DVD The Simpsons Season 6 hehehe. Yo wes, akhirnya dengan hanya tertutup oleh sehelai handuk *gubrak* saya habiskan 10 menit saya untuk menyelesaikan Disc 4 dari total 4 hehehe. Setelah beres n puas ketawa-ketiwi ngeliat aksi Homer Simpson............ waktunya mandi huehehehehe. Secara magrib udah mau abis, langsung deh aye bergegas untuk masuk ke kamar mandi. Masuk kedalam, jreng jreng jreng..... lalu........ terjadilah bencana tersebut. Seekor monster berbentuk cecak dengan ukuran 3 kali lebih besar dari ukuran cecak normal sudah bertengger di dinding dengan tatapan mata tajam seakan2 siap loncat dan langsung menerkam. Yup, seekor tokek sudah dalam posisi siap sedia.

Dengan handuk yang sudah dilepas dan pintu kamar mandi yang sudah saya kunci, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah......................... I'm bloody trapped here........ Setiap gerakan kecil yang saya buat ternyata membuat sang tokek tersebut panik sendiri *untung gak latah tokeknya*. So, dengan gerakan lemah lembut, slow motion pula, saya segera mengambil handuk, menutup aurat *klo gak ditutup nanti bisa2 gak punya keturunan gw klo si doi dipatok hehehe*, membuka pintu secara perlahan, saya dengan segera bermigrasi ke kamar mandi yang satu lagi, melihat keadaan tidak memungkinkan untuk mandi di kamar mandi yg sebelumnya yang sudah diinvasi oleh sang tokek.

Setelah sampai dikamar mandi yg satu lagi, saya masuk dan membuka pintu, dengan kagetnya saya melihat seekor tapir yang sedang berbilas ria dibawah shower dengan penuh busa shampoo dikepalanya, dan tiba2 dia berteriak AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *mungkin tapirnya tapir cewek kali yah*

Weiiitssss........ gak usah dianggap serius temans, cerita yang tentang tapir itu boongan hehehe, mungkin karena konsentrasi terganggu oleh pemandangan wanita baru dikantor yg duduk diseberang sayah dan sedang pake baju item putih kaya bulu tapir hehehe *janda man, seumuran gw tapi anak udah punya 1, umur 7 tahun pula* HUZZZ..... kok jadi ngomongin orang. Oke, kembali ke sang tokek. Beres sudah proses pembilasan tubuh di kamar mandi yang bebas tokek. Shalat udah, bersih udah, tapi nasib sang tokek masih berada ditangan sayah, secara dia masih terkurung di kamar mandi.

Saya segera memberitahukan ke seluruh penghuni rumah. Nyokap n adik perempuan saya langsung panik gak jelas "Ayo cepet keluarin, pokoknya harus dikeluarin!!!!" dengan wajah pucat. Oke, oke..... langsung saya mengambil pengki dan sapu lidi sebagai media pengusiran si tokek dodol tersebut dari kamar mandi saya. Pertama yg saya pikirkan adalah bagaimana membuat si tokek mabok n gak bisa nempel di dinding. Heheheeeee.............. air..... yup..... air, pasti akan membuat si monster tersebut mengalami kesulitan untuk memanjat dinding. Eh, tapi kan dia masih bisa ngeliat kan, bisa2 nanti digigit lagih. Huehehehe....... shampoo........... yup...... shampoo, pasti bisa membuat dia buta sejenak. Yo wes, akhirnya air dan shampoo jadi satu hihihihi.

Dengan penuh usaha dan spot jantung, segera saya bergelut dengan sang tokek dengan dipersenjatai air shampoo, sapu lidi, dan pengki. Setelah si tokek terlihat kecapean, langsung pergerakan dimulai. HAAAAP!!!!!! tertangkap lah si tokek bejat ituh hehehe. Kasian juga sih ngeliat si tokek jadi ngos2an kaya begitu. Aaaaaaaaaah.............. bodo, yang penting mandi sudah bebas sekarang hehehehe.

KESIMPULAN: Periksalah kamar mandi anda sebelum mandi *siapa tau ada tokeknya hehehe*


Amy Winehouse

They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black and when I come back, no no no
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I’m fine
They tried to make me go to rehab I won’t go, go, go

I’d rather be at home with Ray
I ain’t got seventy days
Cos there’s nothing,there's nothing you can teach me
That I can’t learn from Mr Hathaway

Didn’t get a lot in class
But I know it don’t come in a shot glass

They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black and when I come back, no no no
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I’m fine
They tried to make me go to rehab I won’t go, go, go

The man said "why do you think you here?"
I said "I got no idea"
[Rehab lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

I’m gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby
So I always keep a bottle near
He said "I just think you’re depressed"
This me "Yeah baby, and the rest"

They tried to make me go to rehab I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black but when I come back, no, no, no

I don’t ever want to drink again
I just, ooh just need a friend
I’m not gonna spend ten weeks
Have everyone think I’m on the mend

it’s not just my pride
It’s just till these tears have dried

They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black and when I come back, no no no
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I’m fine
They tried to make me go to rehab I won’t go, go, go


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------------------- Rolling Stones + Martin Scorsese = Shine A Light -------------------

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